Thursday, 24 September 2009

The New Feudalists - The EU Communitarian Agenda.

By Philip Jones 24th September 2009.

“Communitarianism is a collectivist philosophy that explicitly rejects individualism. It does not merely relegate individualism to a subordinate position, but is openly hostile to it. It is an ideology of 'civic society' which is nothing less than one version of Post-Marxist collectivism which wants privileges for certain wealthy and influential organized groups, and in consequence, a renewed feudalising of society." Vaclav Klaus.


This article was originally posted in October of last year. With the Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty only a week or so away, I felt it timely to repost in order that the people of Europe and the Irish in particular understand that what is at stake is nothing less than the choice between freedom and slavery!Communitarianist Ideology.

The European Union is a major aspect of the `New World Order` and the so called `sustainable development` movement. The main objective of the Federal European State to be, is absolute social, personal and economic control in a collectivist and corporatist society. The philosophy behind the EU is a strange mixture of Capitalism and Communism - a form of Euro Marxism which owes much of its dogma to the Pre World War II Italian Marxist Philosopher, Antonio Gramsci.. The nearest ideology to that practiced by the EU is something called `Communitarianism`, or what Tony Blair called the 'Third Way'..

We are talking of a dialectical trap here, with Corporate money funding Socialism as Thesis, ideological Socialism as Antithesis and Communitarianism or the `New Imperium` as Synthesis. Money grabs and concentrates power, whilst State Socialism promises the total redistribution of ownership and wealth. This contradiction provides an almost irresistible dynamic.

Communitarians want to create a post-modern, post-democratic feudal society run by a small number of rich and powerful people with everyone else working as peasants. In order to achieve their objectives they must destroy the middle class and the nation state. Can anyone deny that their goals are firmly on course.

One of the most mysterious aspects of the European Union from a `lay-man’s` standpoint is the decision making process. Even with only the bare minimum of research, it becomes clear that we the people have little or no influence on any of the decisions reached in our name and the subsequent diktats which inevitably follow. In this article/essay, I will try and identify the ideology and aims of the key socio- economic decisions that drive the EU, and how because of these decisions, our lives are increasingly no longer our own.

The socio political economic agenda of the EU is carefully and intentionally buried beneath myriad layers of tedious and unintelligible `newspeak`. Despite this, in recent years, as the pace of so called EU 'reform' has quickened, many researchers like myself have begun to expose and unravel this intentionally obtuse and often ambiguous jargon and reveal it for what it really is; A tool of confusion and misinformation intended towards the enslavement of the peoples of Europe by the rule of diktat and economic servitude..

Once the spotlight of investigation is shone directly at `the beast`, what emerges is a Communitarian Agenda driven solely by corporate interests. Monetary Profit is to be the `bottom line` on everything from public services to defence to the very useful environmental `Trojan Horse`. High sounding `non descriptions` precede cleverly worded specifics that determine that the one and only benchmark be an economic one.

The truth is of course that if the people of Europe themselves were to engage in setting the EU agenda, the current programme would almost without question be reversed. Instead of the `Mammonistic` ideal of profit before all, we would most certainly witness an agenda dominated by life quality issues like real un-politicised education for our children, and a healthcare service not tied to the pharmaceutical conglomerates, and free of political restraint, with a remit to provide the very best treatment available, whether it be of the traditional or alternative varieties.

The Roots And Goals Of The New Feudalism.

Anarchists would probably say that the basis of the EU agenda rests squarely with the ruling classes, but although in actuality correct, sooner than leave it at that, it is useful to unravel the `ball of string` by which the `Union’s` decisions are formulated, created , morphed into diktat and then monitored. For what appears from beneath the shroud are the most corrupting and powerful corporations in Europe. `Greed` entities with no pretense of any mandate beyond their combined annual turnover of €950 million and the fact they employ only around four million workers on a Continent inhabited by almost 500 million people.

Much of the ideological base for the EU Agenda can be found in the works of Count Count R. N. Coudenhove-Kalergi (Pic.above) who is justifiably regarded by many as the `God-father` of the European Union. It was his suggestion that Beethoven's hymn be the EU's Anthem, and he was extremely active in connection with the design of the EU logo. It was Coudenhove who founded the Pan European Union in the early part of the 20th century. It is interesting to note that his successor in the movement was Otto Von Hapsburg, an honorary professor of the University of Jerusalem, and recipient of the 'International Humanitarian Award', of the 'Anti Defamation-League' (ADL) of the Jewish B’nai B’rith Masonry Lodge. Coudenhove Kalergi's father was a close friend of Theodor Herzle the founder of Zionism.

Coudenhove’s vision for Europe was of a vast feudal fiefdom, where a small group of Money Aristocrats ruled a population of Serfs through a plutocratic {plutocratic = rule or power through wealth} false democratism which we see today holds thrall over the whole of the continent. His vision was shared, funded and sponsored by the `bloodline` and moneyed families of both Europe (Rothschild’s) and the USA(Rockefellers). In fact, since the end of WWII, the major dynamic behind the Federalist vision has come not from the European side, but from the Eastern Seaboard `establishment` families such as the Rockefeller's, Harriman's, Morgan’s, Dulles’ and Bush’s.

Theater For The Masses.

“The plan, I think, is the old one of world dominion in a new form . . . the money-power and revolutionary power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes ('Capitalism" or "Communism') and sharply defined citadels ('America' or "Russia') . . . Such is the spectacle publicly staged for the masses. But what if similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those masses? I believe any diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case."-- Douglas Reed

This theatrical struggle between Capitalism and Communism over the inheritance of their `bloodline` aristocracy is a fratricidal war of the `blood` aristocracies a fight between individualistic and socialist, egoist and altruist, heathen and Christian ideals. The `Generals` in this make believe battle of both parties are recruited from Europe's Secret Societies and Brotherhoods, who can all be canopied beneath the metaphorical tarpaulin of the Illuminati.

Both Capitalism and Communism are rational, mechanical constructs. The time of the Old Military Caste nobility has passed. The effect of the `synthesis`, and it’s power, namely the belief in it, along with the hope that it’s time is nearing, is now growing exponentially, and with it the audacity and arrogance of the `New` Aristocracy. Through their puppet politicians sitting furtively in National Parliaments, The Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and the plethora of other `front` organisations, their European `Project` appears close to becoming a reality, a first step along the road to the New World Order.

At the fourth annual conference of the Institute for the Scientific Study of International Relations at Copenhagen in June 1931 which was published in the magazine of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in December of that year, the following Statement was read out:

“We are at present working discreetly but with all our might, to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of our world. And all the time we aredenying with our lips what we are doing with our hands, because to impugn the sovereignty of the local national states of the world is still a heresy for which a statesman or a publicist can be, perhaps not quite burnt at the stake, but certainly ostracized and Discredited.”

The Methodology of Communitarianist Fascism.

The EU project has up until recently been subtle in the extreme. Step by laborious step, one treaty after the other, they have hidden their true intentions behind an economic smokescreen, aided by a population who have abdicated responsibility for the decision making in their lives to liars, cheats and degenerates who whilst masquerading as elected representatives of the people, have conspired to disenfranchise them completely. Now, as we writhe and squirm amidst the worst economic crisis in living history, the Corporate plan for total control of the continent in the first instance, and the planet in the second, is nearing successful completion.

What amazes this writer is that there are still those `amateur` researchers, who although far more informed than the average State/Media programmed `resource` still cannot understand that these are not chaotic times. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The `project` is completely `on track` and nearing it’s conclusion. So arrogant are the `Lord and Masters` now, that even a minor detail such as the Irish Referendum `NO` vote does not deter their ambitions. So how were a relatively small cadre of conspirators able to achieve this astonishing level of supremacy over a population of almost 500 million people?

A detailed dissection of this question is not feasible in an Essay of this kind, but an examination of the above diagram will help us understand the main instruments of control by which all the countries of Europe (even those outside of the bloc still incredulously clambering for membership) have handed over control to the European Federalists.

The Center.

An illegitimate money power without any public mandate drawing it’s strength from Usury, Monopoly Capitalism and the Industrial Military Complex.. The source of all great power in the 21st century and the 20th before it is money. And the root and base of this power is Usury, that is the issue of money as interest bearing debt. Since the 1980’s, banks and lenders have seemingly been falling over themselves to lend money. Now as we try to ride out our present woes, we are told that money is scarce. Why is it scarce? Because the same people who were lending it so willingly are no longer doing so. They `create` money as figures on a screen in the form of loans. It is money out of thin air, backed by nothing other than the people’s taxes, and a belief that it exists and that it has some worth.

In this way, they have enticed millions of people to sign their freedoms away for the promise of a new home, car, kitchen or bathroom. Then when the time was right, NOW, they started calling in unpaid loans, manipulating prices, raising interest rates and destroying jobs and manufacturing production in the process. Then, with the people in fear for their existence, and terrified of what the future might bring, demanding naively that something be done, they come up with the solution they had planned all along; More centralisation of bank ownership. State and Corporate mergers through `Government Buyout` packages and the call for a uniform across the board single currency not only for Europe, but for the whole planet.

When the dust settles, we will see that the middle classes have been so badly damaged, that their political and economic power base will be no more. This is how `fiefdoms` and servitude is established.

The Corporate Media.

Supplied with unlimited funds and control over the mass media, the `New lords` of money have been able to dictate what is given to the public by way of knowledge and information. Through television and radio, they use subliminal messaging technology to entrap and entice people into exchanging their identities as individual human souls for that of `consumers`. They manipulate all avenues of `News` reporting ensuring that the `Third Way` consensus is consolidated and maintained.

The European Ideal is paramount and our children are indoctrinated into it by the most subtle and non subtle of means. Popular music and movies, loaded with trigger sounds and words have created a `dumbing down` effect across the continent which is matched and exceeded only in some respects by what can be found in the same media forum across the Atlantic. With a owned and controlled compliant press in tow, which simply repeats and enlarges upon the lies of the Six O’clock News from the evening before, it is little wonder that the vast majority’s idea of reality is totally askew.


The Financial control and manipulation of politics along with the concerted undermining of private enterprise capitalism combined with a progressive programme of State (EU) interference in all aspects of private commerce, has all but destroyed this once proud and independent feature of the European way of life. The mystery of 21st century European politics is the little understood relationship between `Monopoly Capitalism` and Marxism. Two irrefutable facts of 20th century history, although not generally known, is that without huge financial support from the west, the Russian Revolution would not have happened, and that the Industrial and Military strength of the USSR was almost entirely a creation of the West.

Inside the EU, precisely the same techniques and motives have been powerfully at work, undermining systematically the individual member state’s private enterprise capitalist system, substituting in it’s stead elements of pure Socialism and not surprisingly, the EU Commission can be seen to have been implementing in many ways Marx’s own ten points, which are calculated to bring the whole Bloc under a `Socialist` Corporatist Imperium. Namely a Communitarian New European Order. The Canadian Professor and author, Henry Makow puts it this way:

“The Illuminati’s `revolutionary goal` is the New World Order, or authoritarian socialism run by monopoly capital. It is big government in the service of big business. The Left in the service of the Right”.

Foreign Policy.

The European Unionists see their project as a revival of Ancient Rome. A New European Order along the lines of the Roman Empire. A `Pax Europa` if you will. This `vision of a Pan European Superpower has always been the `endgame` and disciples of this ideal have been growing in both support and popularity within the inner sanctum of the Commission over past few decades. The view is that only within the scenario of "Superpower Europe" will "Greater Europe" achieve its rightful world-power potential. Therefore it is rationalised that the "final goal of a European state" should be pursued. All central political competences (interior, foreign policy, defence, social and economic policies) must be Communitised. The EU, already developing in the direction of "Superpower Europe", would always be capable of accepting new members . Thus it would be "globally the only system which could continually expand its territory. Then the great political and economic power potential of the EU would achieve parity with the USA" .

It is necessary to understand that this emerging `superbloc` is only truly relevant in the context of any future World Government Organisation. A `Superpower` only in as much as it forms one regional supranational entity as would a North American Union, and an Asia Pacific Union, all subordinated to the World Government and Army.


The subversion of national culture, including literature, art, music and the undermining of institutions and traditions, church, family and morality was a prerequisite to establishing the Communitarian Supranational State. Only by severing the people’s roots to these aspects of national life could the conspiratorial goals be realised. Organ transplant surgeons encounter a problem called `rejection`, whereby the organ receiver’s body, programmed by nature, rejects the new organ because it simply does not belong. Similarly, before a population can be expected to tolerate any new system of control, means must be found to reduce said populace to a condition of `apathetic servitude`.

Winston Churchill showed his understanding of this when he wrote back in 1922 that there could be no World Government as envisaged by Marxists except on the basis of an induced state of universal arrested development. Since the end of WWII, the peoples of Europe along with the rest of humankind have been, through various means, reduced to exactly that state. This has been achieved via a diabolical program of culture distortion, using subversive genre’s of popular music, ever more degrading and perverse forms of pornography, theater and cinema themes which distort reality and show an inverted and corrupted ideal of all that is natural, moral and good, together with the encouragement of decadence in every possible form.

Briefly put, the substitution of a people’s own indigenous culture with forms of `entertainment` contrived to instill confusion on a mass scale, and paralyse the collective will at source. This undermining and subversion of the culture is openly promoted and encouraged by the media whores of the New Lords Of Money, with the most degraded, drug addicted so called `artists` being touted as role models for our youth.


Science must be controlled and manipulated in order to prevent any obstruction being placed in the way of the Communitarians. For sake of necessity, there must be truth at least in some of the academic disciplines such as maths, physics, chemistry etc. These the money power need and must have for patently obvious reasons. But it cannot allow at any cost a truth or truths which at last gives pure knowledge to mankind and allows the `useless eaters` to liberate themselves from the millennia of deception they have been subjected to. Scientific truths about the `heavenly bodies` during the renaissance were nowhere near as suppressed as are the genuine products of scientific research today in all those fields of inquiry which cause man to explore his own self, such as anthropology, genetics, psychology and history. The persecution and defamation of those who refuse to accept and conform can be traced back time and again to the illegitimate money power, which in reality always decides who is appointed to a teaching post at a university and who is not. Whose work and research is published and whose is condemned to obscurity.


The falsification and suppression of history (especially recent history) goes hand in hand with the falsification and suppression of news. People will lose all confidence in the media if they discover that they have been lied to or denied the truth. This holds true whether we speak of events today, or fifty years since. The control and manipulation of more recent history has become a primary factor in modern political warfare. Unless people know the truth about the past, they will not be equipped to understand the present, and without a clear understanding of this fact, will have no way of helping determine what will occur in the future. As George Orwell wrote, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past”. Control of the study of history, especially of the past 100 years is exercised by a system of `Intellectual Terrorism` intended to suppress knowledge which will arm our minds against an enemy whose greatest power lies in it’s capacity for deception.


“The West has been crippled by a corrosive and corrupt ideology-morality that causes our political elite to declare themselves in sympathy with, and in support of the very elements that boldly proclaim their goal to be the destruction of the nation states of the west”. Richard Clarke.

Nowhere is the merging between the Capitalist super rich and the Marxist `supposedly` anti-capitalists more clearly established than it is in `Brussels`.

As Nikki Raapana writes: "The `Communitarians work behind the scenes. Elite communitarian 'thinkers' quietly slide their new laws inside projects and programs few regular people will think or dare to question. And, just so you won't look any closer, (or open your mouth to ask one dumb question) the Communitarians mask their fascist programs behind all kinds of lovely phrasing. The new phrases work so well that if you do stand out and speak up with a debatable question, it means you don't want to live in a safe and healthy community. And since everyone has to agree in order to reach communitarian consensus, you will be shunned and excluded from the decision making 'councils.' Go ahead and try, but the shifty Communitarians will NEVER debate you because their programs are based entirely in a lie called Communism."


There is no doubt in the mind of this writer that the most powerful source of resistance to the `illegitimate` power will be found in a people’s religion. I will state quite clearly at this point that I myself have been in the past somewhat irreligious, and that has quite likely been to my detriment in some ways. But I have, through recent close contact with some true Christians and Muslims, come to realise that through faith comes resilience, determination and strength.

The central purpose of religion appears to be a means of giving to the individual a spiritual and intellectual base from which that individual can make relative all the stressors and influences he/she encounters and thereby secure a grounded sense of purpose, direction and belonging. Religion, whichever form it might take must forever be at the core of the culture, sustained by and sustaining the arts.

Corruption of religion by powers whose intentions are anything other than religious will have the most destructive of consequences for society in general. Within the EU bloc and further afield,. the result of this corruption has been a secularization and politicisation of the `Church` along with the creation of the `World Council of Churches`.

As the American Ezra Pound once said, “There is no medieval description of hell which exceeds the inner filth of the mentalities of some of the ministers and prelates for whom every species of cruelty and villainy is condoned, even incited, if perpetrated under the banner of the universalist political objectives prescribed by the money power.”

The Communitarian Super-Capitalist Nexus.

“The world is governed by very different persons to what is imagined by those who are not themselves behind the scene”. Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister to Queen Victoria.

Even a cursory investigation of the forces shaping our current woeful situation, creating a socio-political climate described by `Spengler` as “Anarchy become a habit” would be incomplete, without a more informed look at those two supposed `arch` opposites, Capitalism and Communism. The key word here is Capitalism. This oft used word actually has two very divergent meanings. In order to grasp why a Supranational `would be` Federal State such as the EU, representing ostensibly capitalist interests, would adopt social policies which are in almost every way imaginable Communist, we must first understand the two meanings of this word; Capitalist. Actually, we are speaking here of two words in affect:

1) Capitalism, meaning private ownership of property and resources and competitive free enterprise in the supply of goods and services.

2) Super-Capitalism, meaning a highly concentrated finance capitalism which is not only apart from capitalism, but it’s antithesis and which sooner rather than later acquires the characteristic of being actively `anti-capitalist`.

It is not possible to continue to concentrate ownership and control of property and resources without simultaneously reducing the number who own and control said property and resources. Similarly, there can be no concentration of Corporate Ownership and control, without a corresponding inhibition and suppression of free enterprise. What has happened within the European Union is a progressive degeneration of Capitalism into a form of `Super Capitalism` or what should be more properly termed `Anti Capitalism` which resembles Capitalism less and less and Socialism or Communism more and more.

The bare minimum of `bona fide` capitalist values have been allowed to remain in order to confuse the picture and create difficulties for most people to identify that their traditional economic way of life has in fact been replaced by this new `Money Concentration`. Capitalism serves only as a means of camouflage for an all encompassing and omnipotent `Anti Capitalism` dominating both economics and politics.

The modern `Super-Capitalist` EU has more in common with the former Soviet Union than anyone not involved in this area of research would ever imagine to be the case. Yes, there are differences and opposing spheres of interest, but these become insignificant in comparison to what they have in common. Both are virulently antagonistic towards Nationalism and are therefore revolutionary in principal, setting themselves as they do in fierce opposition to Nationalist aspirations which are essentially evolutionary. Nationalism, a much maligned and misrepresented political credo is inseparably connected to a people’s culture and traditions. This causes it to become the mortal enemy of the `Supra-nationalists` whose goal is the Super-state.

The reason that this `Super-Capitalism` lives in eternal dread of Nationalism can be explained by examining the fundamental issue of whether there should in any state construct be an authority superior to economics. Which shall govern, politics or economics? Through ethical nationalism, in spite of it’s inherited ailments, the will of the people is made vital, which causes politics to become the master over economics, which no matter how important it might be, is then relegated to it‘s morally natural subordinate status.

Since there is no way that Communism, or more correctly in this the first decade of the 21st century, Communitarianism, can be resisted except by nationalism, it is of no surprise that the `Super-Capitalists` have for the past fifty years and more been ruthlessly dedicated to destroying the nation state and severing from it the love and loyalty of the people.

The Communitarians understand that their only weapon against Nationalism is Marxist theory, and that in itself marshals all the forces of the underworld along with the `rootless` academics using them as a `siege gun` against any or all nationalist targets (see the murder of Austrian Politician, Jorg Haider).


The European Federal State will usher in a new age of Feudalism for the people of the old continent. The technological advances in recent years have enabled the `designers and planners` to construct a `Grid` around people’s lives, using insidious database technology combined with despicable propaganda and pernicious surveillance of all and every aspect of a citizens life. Yet still, we the people do nothing. There are reported to be around 50,000 concentration camps already in place earmarked for EU dissidents ( ). The Military is still on the streets of Italy, and the Euro Gendarmerie ( is ready to be unleashed. During the 1930’s, even though all the signs were there , people refused to recognise them. Are we going to once again fail to learn from our history?

Jean Monnet, the so called ` founding father of the EU did everything but paint us a picture when he wrote:

“ Europe’s nations should be guided towards the Superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation .“ (Letter to a friend 30th April 1952).

Now is a time for `Heroes` and time is short. Just maybe once again, the Irish people will show the rest of Europe the way forward and be as heroes for all of us denied the right to self determination by our lying and cheating politicians.


This Age Of Confict - Ivor BensonStop Common Purpose - - reference base for this article regarding what Communitarianism is and who Communitarians are can be found at

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Sick As A Dog!!

Dear Readers, Members etc.

The above says it all. It's going to be a little slow and quiet `Blogwise` for a while. I am not well!

On the upside, it should allow you the time to read David Livingstone's Book.


Thursday, 17 September 2009

The Nexus Of Evil : Part Ten (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity) The Conclusion.

By Philip Jones 16th September 2009.

“By wielding inordinate financial and political power, the plan of the Illuminati is to foment a global war, or World War III, from which will emerge, out of the ashes of the expired civilizations of our time, like a phoenix from the fire, a New World Order. The coming confrontation is being presented as a Clash of Civilizations, between the Liberal Democratic West and Islamic fundamentalism.” David Livingstone -Terrorism And The Illuminati.


When the concepts and ideas which formed the initial `skeleton` of this series began to formulate and take shape in my mind, my goal by article's end was to to illustrate how the `Nexus Of Evil,` created by the Illuminati, has by use of divide and rule, and the Hegelian Dialectical formula, caused otherwise good and decent human beings to fear and even hate each other, for no other reason than being different. Christianity, Islam and Judaism each have the same root origin, and share the worship of the same God. And yet in this the first decade of the 21st century, they are lining up against each other once again, in wars of aggression, stage-managed and manipulated by an ancient and malevolent secret force literally `hell bent` on world domination.

It is all too easy for an extended article such as this, to lose its way, so in order to avoid such digression and deviation from the `script,` I reasoned that an `anchor` was needed. I remembered a booklet I had read some years ago by a now deceased Swedish born South African journalist named Ivor Benson[1], entitled `This Age Of Conflict.`

It is true to say that Mr. Benson's short and concise expose of what many term the `Global Agenda,` had a profound affect on my view of the world I lived in. It is from that booklet that the above diagram originates, and it is that simple illustration of the `Nexus Of Evil` which has credibly provided the required `anchor.`

This series of articles has drawn upon many research sources, but two stand out as having been critical in helping me to assemble the necessary research material and information. The late Mr. Benson's is one, and the other is Canadian historian and author, David Livingstone's `Terrorism And The Illuminati.`[2]

The latter is without doubt the `Bible` of this field of investigation, and I would recommend that anyone wishing to truly understand the dangerous world events now taking place, not only read the book, but refer to it frequently as a means of staying focused, and not becoming sidetracked by the multitude of often conflicting theories and hypotheses, put out by some researchers with not always sincere intentions.

I would like to belatedly thank Mr. Benson for his many excellent articles and books on contentious subjects most writers avoid, and David Livingstone for his superb book and his always prompt and helpful advice whenever I have found it necessary to contact him. All other source material drawn from, is listed with thanks in the reference section below each individual part.


During the course of this series, our path has traversed that 150 year time period which Ivor Benson quite correctly termed an `Age Of Conflict, ` unprecedented in human history. From the middle of the 19th Century to the present day, humankind has been subjected to an almost uninterrupted sequence of terrible and catastrophic wars, which have decimated the global population, and twice during the 20th Century caused slaughter and destruction on a scale hitherto unimagined. A Third Global Conflagration would most certainly bring the mass of humanity to the very brink of annihilation.

Research has shown clearly that this `Age Of Conflict,` is no accident. In fact, there exists a `blueprint` for what has happened, in the form of a letter written by Free-masonic Grand Master Albert Pike, to fellow Mason and Luciferian, Giuseppe Mazzini back in the 19th Century[3] where he outlined his plans for three world wars, the third being a `Clash of Civilisations, ` between the Islamic World and the West.

So far, everything has gone exactly according to Pike's plan, and since the tragedy of September 11th 2001, it has not been too difficult to identify the means by which the Illuminati are manipulating the Dialectic towards a Third Global War, by manoeuvring the Zionist puppet government of the USA and its allies, into a major confrontation with the nations of Islam, which will then inevitably spill over and draw Russia China, Pakistan and India and thereafter the whole world into the conflict.

The `Endgame` for this insane agenda, is a One World Global Communitarian[4] State, of demonic proportions, with a culled and reduced population of micro-chipped slave workers, whose every movement and thought will be monitored by a Big Brother apparatus the like of which even George Orwell could not have imagined.

In the previous part, we examined the aftermath of 9/11 and the carnage being wrought by the `allied` occupation forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. Here in this concluding `episode,` we will look at the likely `flashpoints` which could give the Washington `War Hawks` the pretext they need, to launch their `Operation Armageddon,` and finally draw our conclusions accordingly.

For the past two years, all indications have been, that the Islamic Republic Of Iran was next on the Zionist `hitlist, ` so it will be to that ancient land and civilisation which we must now turn our attention.

A Warning to Iran.

The American invasion, occupation, subjugation and destruction of a modern, scientifically and culturally advanced civilization, such as existed in Iraq, is only the prelude to what the people of Iran can expect if the US-Zionist `hawks` in Obama's regime decide that the time is right and a military attack is launched. The impending threat to the people of Iran and its cultural and scientific foundations, has been conspicuous by it absence from the narrative among the affluent Iranian student protesters and their US-funded NGO's during their post-election so called `Lipstick Revolution' protests.

They should not forget that in 2004, educated and sophisticated Iraqis in Baghdad consoled themselves with a fatally misplaced optimism that “at least we are not like Afghanistan.” The same elite are now to be found in squalid refugee camps in Syria and Jordan, and their country now resembles Afghanistan, more closely than anywhere else in the Middle East. The chilling promise of President Bush in April 2003 to transform Iraq in the image of “our newly liberated Afghanistan” has been fulfilled, and reports that the US Administration advisers had reviewed the Israeli Mossad policy of selective assassination of Iranian scientists should cause the pro-Western liberal intellectuals of Tehran, to seriously ponder the lesson of the murderous campaign that has virtually eliminated Iraqi scientists and academics during 2006-2007.

The conquest of Iraq has resulted in the destruction of a modern secular republic. The cultural wasteland that remains is controlled by gangsters, swindlers, mercenary thugs posing as `Iraqi officers', tribal and ethnic cultural illiterates and corrupted religious figures. They operate under the guidance and direction of West Point graduates holding `blue-prints for empire', formulated by graduates of the Ivy League Academies on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, eager to serve the interests of American and European multi-national corporations, and ultimately, wittingly or not the Illuminati Agenda.

The Iranian people should take Michael Ledeen[5] at his word, and should be viewing events in neighbouring Iraq with not a little trepidation.

An Arc Of Crisis : Return To Iran.

"Never believe anything until it's officially denied," British writer Claud Cockburn.

In 1979, President Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski thought he could use the Iranian government, including the Iranian Shiite mullahs as part of an `Arc` of resistance[6] from Egypt eastward against Soviet expansionism. When `students` supported by Khomeini took over the U.S, Embassy in Tehran, it presented a crisis. However, as Robert Dreyfuss notes:

"Along with the threat from Khomeinism, some U.S. policy makers also saw opportunity...using the Islamic `right` to undermine the Soviet Union in its own empire, deep in Central Asia....The twin Islamic movements in Iran and (Muslim Brotherhood linked organizations like Al Qaeda in) Afghanistan, inspired Brzezinski and Bill Casey (President Reagan's CIA director) to pursue the Islam-in-Asia ('arc-of-Islam') theme aggressively."

Brzezinski developed a plan of financial and other means of support for Afghanistan, hoping to lure the Soviets into involvement in a `quagmire` there, and as history records, the Soviets obliged and invaded in December 1979. After this, Zalmay Khalilzad[6] (former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq), a neo-conservative RAND strategist, wrote a paper explaining "the Khomeini regime also poses risks to the Soviets. The change of regime has encouraged similar movements in Iraq and Afghanistan, and might even affect Soviet Muslim Central Asia."

Perhaps it is useful at this time to remember that according to a map prepared by the World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government meeting in London in 1952, when the World Government comes into being, U.S. forces would be patrolling Central Asia (e.g., Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc.). Brzezinski at Mikhail Gorbachev's first State of the World Forum in 1995 said:

"We cannot leap into world government through one quick step. A consensual global system requires a process....The precondition for eventual and genuine globalization is progressive regionalization because by that we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units."

This is the same strategy proposed by Cecil Rhodes' Association of Helpers member P. E. Corbett in Post-War Worlds (1942) and its fruits can been seen in the EU, NAU and other Superstate projects currently under-way.

Since the Iranian election of June 12th this year, barely a day has passed without mass global media coverage of what has been depicted as another tumultuous event in Iranian history. Elections whose results are challenged as being dubious, have taken place in most countries at one time or another in recent decades. Many countless Americans and with much justification, believe that the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004 were stolen by the Republicans, and not just inside the voting machines and in the counting process, but prior to the actual voting as well, with numerous Republican Party dirty tricks designed to keep poor and black voters off voting lists or away from polling stations.

That large numbers of people did not take to the streets day after day in protest, as they have in Iran, is not something Americans should be proud of. Perhaps if the CIA, the Agency for International Development (AID), several US government-run radio stations, and various other organizations supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (which was created to serve as a front for the CIA, literally) had been active in the United States, as they have been for years in Iran, major street protests would have taken place in the US.

In 1953, when the CIA overthrew Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, they paid people to agitate in front of Mossadegh's residence and elsewhere and engage in acts of violence; some pretended to be supporters of Mossadegh while engaging in anti-religious actions. And it worked, very well.

Since the cessation of hostilities following the end of World War II, one US government or another, on behalf of the Illuminati agenda, has seriously intervened in some thirty elections around the world. Adding a new twist this time, the State Department asked `Twitter` to postpone a scheduled maintenance shut-down of its service to keep information flowing from inside Iran, helping to mobilize protesters.

In recent years, the United States has been provocatively patrolling the waters surrounding Iran with warships, halting Iranian ships on the pretext to check for arms shipments to Hamas, or other equally spurious and illegitimate reasons. It has been financing and "educating" Iranian dissidents, used Iranian groups to carry out terrorist attacks inside Iran, kidnapped Iranian diplomats in Iraq, abducted Iranian military personnel from inside Iran, thereafter transporting them to Iraq. It has been spying and recruiting within Iran, and has manipulated Iran's currency and her international financial transactions, and imposed various economic and political sanctions against the country.

By all standards, the United States Government has been conducting a form of warfare against the people of Iran. US President Barack Obama said with a straight face on June 23rd:

"I've made it clear that the United States respects the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and is not at all interfering in Iran's affairs. Some in the Iranian government [have been] accusing the United States and others outside of Iran of instigating protests over the elections. These accusations are patently false and absurd."

In his speech to the Middle East on June 4, President Obama mentioned that "In the middle of the Cold War, the United States played a role in the overthrow of a democratically elected Iranian government." So here we have the president of the United States actually admitting to a previous overthrow of the Iranian government, while the United States is in the very midst of trying to overthrow the current Iranian government. If you can think of a better example of hypocrisy, let me know.

So what is all the fuss about over the Iranian election and street protests anyway? For public consumption at least, the announced winner, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is currently sharing time with Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, as Washington's `public enemy number one.` This `honour` has been `bestowed` for not sufficiently respecting the `Empire` and its Israeli partner-in-crime; indeed, Ahmadinejad is publicly one of the most outspoken critics of US foreign policy in the world. Can anything be that simple though in the grand web of Illuminist machinations?

This `default` response seems to be `built in,` to Washington's world view and the fact that whilst Mousavi,[13] (Ahmadinejad's main opponent in the election and very much supported by the protesters), was prime minister back in 1981-89, he was largely blamed for the attacks on the US embassy and military barracks in Beirut in 1983, which took the lives of more than 200 Americans, and also for the 1988 truck bombing of a US Navy installation in Naples, Italy, that killed five persons.

It simply cannot be, that no one in the Obama administration knows of Mousavi's background?

Despite his anti-American terrorist deeds, and just because he's opposed to Ahmadinejad, Time magazine calls Mousavi a "moderate", and goes on to add: "It has to be assumed that the Iranian presidential election was rigged," offering as much evidence as the Iranian protesters, i.e., none at all. It cannot of course be proven that the Iranian election was totally honest, but the arguments given to support the charge of fraud are not very impressive, such as the much-repeated fact that the results were announced very soon after the polls closed.

For decades in various countries election results have been condemned for being withheld for many hours or days. It was contended that some kind of dishonesty must be going on behind the scenes during the long delay. So now we're asked to believe that a species of dishonesty must be going on, because the results were released so quickly. It should be noted that the ballots listed only one electoral contest, with but four candidates.

Phil Wilayto, American peace activist and author of a book on Iran, has observed:

“Ahmadinejad, himself born into rural poverty, clearly has the support of the poorer classes, especially in the countryside, where nearly half the population lives. Why? In part because he pays attention to them, makes sure they receive some benefits from the government and treats them and their religious views and traditions with respect. Mousavi, on the other hand, the son of an urban merchant, clearly appeals more to the urban middle classes, especially the college-educated youth. This being so, why would anyone be surprised that Ahmadinejad carried the vote by a clear majority? Are there now more yuppies in Iran than poor people?”

Since both Ahmadinejad and Mousavi are members of the establishment, neither is seen as being any threat to the Islamic theocracy, and the election can be seen on the surface at least, as the kind of power struggle you find in virtually every country. But that is not the issue here. The issue is Washington's long-standing goal of regime change. If the exact same electoral outcome had taken place in a country that was an ally of the United States, how much of all the accusatory news coverage and speeches would have taken place?

In fact, the exact same thing did happen in a country that is an ally of the United States, three years ago when Felipe Calderon appeared to have stolen the presidential election in Mexico, and there were daily protests for more than two months; but the American and international condemnation was virtually non-existent compared to what we see today in regard to Iran, where Iranian leaders undertook a recount of a random ten per cent of ballots and recertified Ahmadinejad as the victor.

So what does all of us tell us? Well at least for now, Ahmadinejad is fulfilling his dialectical role as the antithesis to Washington's thesis. As in all the major conflicts, military or political, for at least the past century and a half or so, the Iranian election has been one stage-play in a global drama being played out in the media and educational faculties, whilst the reality of the situation is very different. The recent elections in Iran are almost certainly dialectical, with both thesis ( Ahmadinejad) and antithesis (Mousavi,) either knowingly, which I believe likely, or not, being played off against each other for the benefit of the masses, whilst the Illuminati puppet masters pulling all the strings, seeking to impose their synthesis on the unsuspecting Iranian populace.

That synthesis to be presented in the shape of a less radical liberalising of Iranian society than Mousavi's platform, yet more so than anything Ahmadinejad might have offered, and more to the point, moving an Islamic society ever closer the point where western secular influences can begin to rot away at the heart, body and soul of Iranian life from within, thereby weakening the nation viewed as the `West's` most formidable adversary in any `Clash of Civilisations, ` with Islam.

One thing's for certain; The sticky fingers of the CIA are in there somewhere, along with their `playmates` Mossad, working to undermine and subvert Iranian Society from within, whilst the `war hawks` in Washington make their preparations for the Zionist invasion of Persia and the probable spark which ignites WWIII.

The Grand Chess-Game: Central Asia, The Caucasus And The Encirclement Of Russia.

The outcome of the recent six grim days of bloodshed in the Caucasus has triggered an outpouring of the most appalling hypocrisy from western politicians and their bought and paid for media. As the `Chatterers` waxed indignation against Russian imperialism and brutal dis-proportionality, former US vice-president `Big Dick` Cheney, faithfully supported by the UK's Gordon Brown and David Miliband, declared that "Russian aggression must not go unanswered". George Bush denounced Russia for having "invaded a sovereign neighbouring state" and threatening "a democratic government". Such an action, he insisted, "is unacceptable in the 21st century".

Could these by any chance be the leaders of the same governments that in 2003, invaded and occupied , the sovereign states of Afghanistan and Iraq on false pretences at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives? Or even the two governments that blocked a ceasefire in the summer of 2006 as Israel pulverized Lebanon's infrastructure and killed more than a thousand civilians in retaliation for the capture or killing of five soldiers?

You'd be hard pressed to recall after all the fury over Russian aggression that it was actually Georgia that began the war in the first place, with an all-out attack on South Ossetia, supposedly to "restore constitutional order" – or put another way, establish its rule over an area it has not controlled since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Nor, were there, amid the outrage at Russian bombardments, more than the very briefest of references to the atrocities committed by Georgian forces against citizens it claims as its own in South Ossetia's capital Tskhinvali.

Several hundred civilians along with Russian soldiers operating under a 1990s peace agreement, were killed there by Georgian troops during the offensive; "I saw a Georgian soldier throw a grenade into a basement full of women and children," one Tskhinvali resident, Saramat Tskhovredov, told reporters.

Both the current Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili, and his predecessor, came to power in western-backed coup d'Etats, the most recent having been labelled the `Rose Revolution.` Saakashvili was then initially rubber-stamped into office with 96% of the vote before establishing what the International Crisis Group recently described as an "increasingly authoritarian" government, violently cracking down on all opposition dissent and the independent media last November.

It now seems that the term `Democratic` infers nothing more, than establishing a regime's "pro-western" credentials in these cases.

The long-running dispute over South Ossetia - as well as Abkhazia, the other contested region of Georgia - is the inevitable consequence of the breakup of the Soviet Union. As in the case of Yugoslavia, minorities who were happy enough to live on either side of an internal boundary that made little difference to their lives, feel quite differently when they find themselves on the wrong side of an international state border.

Problems such as these would be problematic enough to settle through negotiation in any circumstances, but when one adds to the cooking `pot` the determined and forcible US promotion of Georgia as being a pro-western, anti-Russian forward base in the region, along with its efforts to bring Georgia into NATO, the routing of a key Caspian oil pipeline through its territory aimed at weakening Russia's control of energy supplies, and the US-sponsored recognition of the independence of Kosovo - whose status Russia had explicitly linked to that of South Ossetia and Abkhazia - and conflict was inevitable.

The CIA has in fact been closely involved in Georgia since the Soviet collapse. But during the Bush administration, Georgia became a fully fledged US satellite; its forces are armed and trained by the US and Israel, and it has the third-largest military contingent in Iraq - hence the US need to airlift 800 of them back to fight the Russians during the Ossetia clash.

Saakashvili's links with the neo-conservatives in Washington are particularly close: the lobbying firm headed by former US Republican candidate John McCain's top foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, has been paid nearly $900,000 by the Georgian government since 2004.

But underlying the conflict has also been the US administration's wider, explicit determination to enforce American global hegemony and prevent any regional challenge, particularly from a resurgent Russia. That aim was first spelled out when Cheney was defence secretary under Bush's father, but its full impact has only been felt as Russia has begun to recover from the disintegration of the 1990s.

Over the past decade, NATO's relentless eastward expansion has brought the western military alliance hard up against Russia's borders and deep into former Soviet territory. American military bases have spread across eastern Europe and central Asia, as the US has helped install one anti-Russian client government after another, through a series of CIA sponsored revolutions. Now the Obama administration is preparing to site a missile defence system in eastern Europe, transparently targeted at Russia.

By any sensible reckoning, this is not a story of Russian aggression, but of US imperial expansion and a ever tighter encirclement of Russia by a potentially hostile power. That a stronger Russia has now used what happened in South Ossetia in order to put a check on that expansion, should hardly come as a surprise. It is not difficult to deduce why Saakashvili launched the attack; of course, he was being `egged on` by his `Warhawk,` friends in Washington.The plan however spectacularly backfired, at tragic human cost.

In spite of the US regime's attempts at `tough talk,` the war also exposed the limits of US power in the region. As long as Georgia's independence is respected - best protected by opting for neutrality - that should be no bad thing. American unipolar domination of the world has squeezed the space for genuine self-determination and the return of some counterweight in the form of a resurgent Russia has to be welcomed.

But the process of adjustment also brings huge dangers. If Georgia had been a member of NATO, this conflict would have risked a far sharper escalation. That would be even more obvious in the case of Ukraine - which recently gave a warning of the potential for future confrontation when its pro-western president threatened to restrict the movement of Russian ships in and out of their Crimean base in Sevastopol.

As `super power` conflict returns after a long absence, South Ossetia is only a taste of things to come in Brzezinski's Grand Chess game of `Who's Going To Rule The World.`

The Zionist Factor.

Zionism is both alien and illegitimate in origin. It is a hegemonist and nationalist project rooted and nourished on what could be called the imperialist impulse towards expansion and domination. The founding fathers of the Zionist adventure were not believers in Judaism, not even in its distorted, rabbinical form: they were in essence pragmatists and Kabbalists who exploited the Judaic heritage as a means to achieve their nationalistic goals. All this, moreover, was done within the broader context of Western strategic hopes for the destabilizing and enfeebling of the Islamic world.

Because Zionism's progenitors were European in their training and mental orientation, and members of the same secret societies, they did not find it difficult to reach an understanding with Western politicians, exploiting their own financial power through their extensive and committed Diaspora, until the Zionist agenda became subsumed under the more general objectives of nineteenth-century European imperialism. The idea of inserting an alien polity into the very heart of the Islamic world, which would exhaust its resources and obstruct any attempt at reforging Muslim unity, proved immediately appealing to European policy-makers in thrall to a Luciferian agenda, and served well the new Western orientation which was ostensibly materialistic, secular, and obsessed with the idea of territorial expansion.

The Centrality Of The Palestine Issue.

It could be said that Palestine and its people have provided the Zionists and Neo Imperialists with a `prototype` model for what we are now seeing in Afghanistan and Iraq, and unless the `Hawks` in the US are either unseated, which is unlikely, or suddenly develop hearts and consciences, which is even more so, then we can reasonably expect similar hostile action in Iran and again in the Caucasus in the foreseeable future.

So Zionism though nationalist in theory can also be seen to be imperialist and malevolent in its practical application.

It can further be perceived as being hostile to every element rooted in ethical and religious principles. It both represents and serves the new existential ethos which transforms the human race into 'marketing' and 'geopolitical' units, which can be deployed, rewarded or punished by the `Hidden Powers` that be, who are accountable to no-one save themselves.

Zionism then, nurtured by and in turn nurturing this global pseudo-secular civilization, represents a secular onslaught on the very heart of Islamic civilisation. The Islamic project, by contrast, is its polar opposite, representing perhaps, the last great hope that human civilization can be rescued from the worship of the Luciferian credo, being foisted incrementally on the global population in the shape of the erroneous political doctrine known as democracy.

To speak of saving Palestine from the Zionists is to speak simultaneously of one's hope for a worldwide liberation. The Palestinian `cause' does not signify the simple reconquest of a patch of territory occupied by aggressors. It is not even about peace and war; Its implications go much further. For to strike at Zionism in Palestine is to strike at the Luciferian enemy in its new citadel, which it has constructed at the centre of the world, in the very heart of the Muslim nation, in a land which has always been of unlimited strategic and spiritual fecundity. The `West,` as a civilization, seems set to extend its influence into the heartland of the Islamic World,` all the better to destroy the surviving traces of spiritual resistance which have remained intact there, and finally to obliterate man's remaining hopes for the rebirth of a civilization which is qualitative and humane, rather than quantitative and perversely malevolent.

Once more we are caught in the pernicious, suffocating and deadly embrace of the Hegelian Dialectic.

The reality is that the Zionist project, being violent, aggressive, and secular, is formidable in its potency. Its power can only be exhausted by mobilizing the resources of those people around the world who have identified the malevolence which stalks our planet and are willing to join in solidarity with the entire Muslim nation in its efforts to resist the monster in our midst.

These resources I speak of are not merely of a military nature; they extend also to worlds as disparate as thought, art and economics. They are also, and pre-eminently, spiritual: demanding a return to the principles of renunciation, repentance, piety, reliance on God, yearning for the ultimate meeting with Him, the spirit of Islamic fraternity, selflessness, and the certainty that the final victory shall go to God and all believers. No project undertaken on this tremendous scale can be 'regional,' or 'Palestinian,' or Arab.' It is far broader. It represents nothing less than a struggle which is at once cultural, Islamic, Christian and Judaic in its pure form. We must, therefore, light the fires of longing, resistance, and sacrifice everywhere on earth. For Palestine will not be retrieved until there is struggle against oppression in all its forms throughout the world.

Lucifer, The Rothschilds And The House Of Zion.

In the ancient world, it was said that all roads lead to Rome. Nowadays, no matter where one turns whilst in the process of investigating the One World Conspiracy, the same can be said of the Rothschilds[8]. Inevitably, their name crops up, and equally inevitably when it does so, the slur of `Anti Semite` is applied to the researcher involved. But the Rothschilds are not Semitic and what's more, neither are they Judaic either!

The Rothschild relationship with the Jews is deceptive. The family stance is publicly "pro-Jewish", and they have given abundant charity to Jewish causes. But their support of the Jewish people has, in most cases, been used for the sole purpose of controlling and profiting from the Jew's misfortune. The Rothschilds have often been called, the `Royal Family` of the Jews. Many leading Rothschilds have been dubbed "King of the Jews". But what kind of Judaism do the Rothschilds support? Do they support the orthodox Jews who believe in the Old Testament and are waiting for the return of the messiah? No.

Do they support Messianic Jews who believe Jesus Christ was the messiah who came to save all men? No. The Rothschilds support those Jews who have fallen prey to the deceptive gnostic and occultic teachings of Cabalism, who in turn promote the Illuminati controlled Zionist movement. Not all Zionists are part of the conspiracy, but their leaders are, and the ultimate leaders of the Zionists have been the Rothschilds. I am disappointed by some researchers, who automatically coin the conspiracy a "Jewish" one.

Recently, I was assailed by one fellow researcher following an article I had penned regarding the pornography industry. “It's The Jews Stupid,” said he, and no amount of documented evidence to the contrary would alter his stance. He is not alone in this assertion that all the world's ills can be attributed to JEWS.

This unfortunate stumbling block pollutes the otherwise excellent work of such people, causing it to be just as misleading as the information `spewed` out by the mass media. These researchers seem blinded by the fact that the conspiracy has abused and manipulated the Jewish race more than any other group in the history of the world. The Jewish hierarchy has sat back and allowed the attack on, and control of, the Jewish masses for the furtherance of the Luciferian. There are people who call themselves "Christians" involved in the conspiracy, and at the same token there are people who call themselves "Jews" who are also playing their part in its machinations. To call the conspiracy "Jewish" is ignorant.

Having read at length the work of Fritz Springmeier, Henry Makow and David Livingstone, it is clear that the Rothschilds are participators in Cabalism, Jewish Sabbatism, and or Frankism, all of which are involved in witchcraft. This belief is strengthened by the Rothschild’s use of the occultic Seal of Solomon as a family symbol. The city in which the Rothschilds originated, Frankfurt, was deeply `anti-Semitic,` and hostile to Jews*[7] See Note.

The first principle of the House of Rothschild was to amass wealth, and the liberation of the Jewish people from oppressive restrictions contributed indirectly to this end, since it would facilitate intercourse with the rest of the world, and thereby increase the possibility of financial gain, which in turn would serve to increase its power.

The `Father's of Israel.`

During the Rothschild's funded slaughter that was the Crimean War, the small Jewish community in Jerusalem found itself isolated from all outside support. This resulted in near starvation. The first Baron Edmond de Rothschild's father James, set up the James Mayer de Rothschild Hospital in Jerusalem in response to this problem. Edmond took over his father's interest in Palestine. When the Russian Jews fled the Czar’s pogroms in the 1880’s Edmond began to finance the Russian Jew’s attempts to establish colonies in Palestine, It is clear that he was an advocate of Zionism, his charities were not only aiding the persecuted, but were promoting the concept of a return the "homeland".

The man who set up the first Zionist Congress was Theodor Herzl. He attempted to get the support for his plans to "restore the Jewish state" from the Rothschilds but many members of the family were opposed to Zionism. Although Edmond supported Herzl’s cause, he felt that the plan should not be implemented to soon, and should rather be accomplished by stealth. He was further concerned that Herzl would annex for himself Rothschild power and influence over the slowly forming Jewish state.

The Baron continued to support his own colonies and though Herzl was socially supported because his ideas facilitated Rothschild power in Palestine, he was not allowed to implement his plans. The Baron was in affect a dictator who expected the colonists to obey him without question.

Following his death, Herzl was succeeded as President of World Zionism by David Wolffsohn and thereafter by Otto Warburg. In 1914 Edmond travelled to Palestine where he was hailed as the "prince returning to his people". Later the Baron Rothschild told Weizmann: "Without me Zionism would not have succeeded, but without Zionism my work would have been struck to death."

The next Rothschild to embrace Zionism was - Lionel Walter, the second Lord Rothschild. The Balfour declaration, which declared England’s support of the creation of a Jewish homeland, was addressed to Lord Rothschild II. Lord Rothschild also received the documents of support from the League of Nations. Charles T. Russell, founder of the Watchtower Society, sent a letter to Lord Rothschild praising his work towards the establishment of a Jewish homeland.

Among its other calculated aims, a further purpose of the Illuminati orchestrated First World War, was to cause the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, in order to free the land of Palestine from its grasp, thereby leading to the creation of the Zionist state of Israel. After Prime Minister of England, Lord Asquith, was deposed in 1916, because he had opposed Zionist interests, David Lloyd George, whose career was made as a lawyer for the World Zionist Organization, as well as Winston Churchill and Arthur Balfour of the Round Table, were placed in power.

Present at the first official meeting of the Political Committee were Lord Rothschild, James de Rothschild, the son of Edmund de Rothschild of Paris, former owner of Rothschild colonies in Palestine, and Sir Mark Sykes. There, the future mandates of Palestine, Armenia, Mesopotamia, and Arabia, then still forming parts of the Ottoman Empire, were discussed in detail.

The Hegelian Dialectic- A Rational For Genocide.

After the cessation of hostilities in 1918, Britain ruled Palestine, and the Rothschilds ruled Britain. Also, a bulk of unpaid debts to the Rothschilds by the failed Ottoman Empire gave the family even more control over Palestine. Then came Hitler. According to Walter Langer, a psychoanalyst who wrote the book `THE MIND OF ADOLF HITLER,` the demonic German leader was a grandson of a Rothschild. Adolf’s father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. It was generally supposed that the father of Alois Hitler was Johann Georg Hiedler. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back to her home ... where Alois was born."

It is believed that Hitler (who was a creation of the Luciferians) attacked Austria first, in order to destroy the Austrian records that proved his Jewish ancestry. As Hitler’s demonic onslaught on the Jews progressed, one would imagine that the Zionists would come to the rescue and offer Palestine as a safe haven. Not so. Many European countries shut their doors to the Jews, including the Palestine colonies.

The Zionist controlled immigration laws in Palestine were very strict and it was near impossible to escape to the Jewish homeland. In fact, the Zionists themselves refused to acknowledge what was happening to Jews in Europe. Hitler forced the Jews to wear the six-pointed star as a sign of shame. It was this same symbol that the Rothschilds were named after and the same symbol that the Zionists promoted as a symbol of Jewish national identity. Do you see the contradiction? Jewish author OJ. Graham wrote in `The Six Pointed Star:`

"Not all the concentration camp victims were Jewish people. Many were Christians. Spiritually, a parallel can be seen in the rituals to Ashteroth[9] and Moloch[10], where the victims were burned as sacrifices to these false gods. Were the victims of the Nazis someone’s sacrificial offerings?"

I believe they were! Remember the six-pointed star was the symbol of Moloch and Ashteroth.

Furthermore, those who deny the holocaust, deny a Problem Reaction Solution scenario on a Satanic scale. Anyone who carefully researches the` Modus Operandi` of the Illuminists will conclude that the slaughter of the Jews during that dire period in World History is completely in character with how they operate and makes perfect sense from a Luciferian point of view.

Cui Bono? Who benefits. They do: Israel, The UN, the slur of `Anti Semite` to quell opposition and promote Jewish victim status, etc. etc.

Few Jews unfortunately will tolerate any discussion on this subject. After World War II, the U.N., spurred on by the Illuminati created horrors against the Jews, granted Israel its statehood. Weizmann was the first president of Israel’s Knesset (which was built with Rothschild money). The occultic hexagram is on the Knesset, and is also displayed on the Jewish flag.

In his expose of the Rothschilds Dynasty, Fritz Springmeier wrote:

"...the six-pointed star [had] made its way from Egyptian pagan rituals of worship, to the goddess Ashteroth and Moloch, to King Solomon when he went into idolatry," says, Graham. "Then it progressed through the magic arts, witchcraft [including Arab magicians, Druids, witches and Satanists], astrology (in which It was no new thing), through the Cabala to Isaac Luria, a Cabalist, in the 16th century, to Mayer Amschel Bauer, who changed his name to this symbol, to Zionism, to the Knesset of the new State of Israel, to the flag of Israel and Its medical organization equivalent to the Red Cross."

So what is the ultimate goal of Zionism?

David Ben-Gurion, a Zionist leader, tells us:

"With the exception of the U.S.S.R. as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an International police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents."

Simply stated, Zionism (with Rothschild support) promotes a New World Order. The Rothschild control of Israel is immense. The Luciferian Rothschilds completely dominate Israel. They help Lucifer's Empire control the world’s resources, the world’s nations and the world’s religions. They are an institution in the conspiracy and if one looks carefully, the path of their destructive reign can be followed through the history of the past three centuries.

The Nexus Of Evil - The Road To Armageddon Or A One World Utopian Control Zone.

What follows is based on current trends as they unfold and on an understanding of the policy objectives of the Luciferian elite. This hypothesis is not unique to myself and is only one of several possible `doomsday` scenarios generally agreed upon by most if not all serious students of the New World Order.

A Nation's borders are ultimately defined by its military competence. All of the U.N. edicts and conventions are meaningless without the ability to enforce its will militarily upon recalcitrant nations. It is likely that the E.U. super-state will acquire its necessary army through incremental-ism, sometimes referred to as the `ratchet` system since there is no mechanism in place to repeal E.U. laws. The monumental geo-political restructuring needed however, to bring all nations under a world army will require something quite spectacular.

Think-tanks, university grants and bribes are not enough to bring about global government. The league of Nations and the United Nations were forged from the heat of the first and second world wars. Global government will be the fall-out from World War III. There is a three pronged strategy being played out, masquerading as the Global War on Terror. Firstly, America's super-power status will be destroyed.

This will partly be achieved in carrying out the second tactic which is to bring uncooperative nations, especially those in the Middle East, under U.N. control. America's military might will be exhausted by invading Third World nations and setting up U.N. protectorates. Thirdly, threatened or actual conflict between nuclear powers will persuade all nations to surrender their military power to the U.N. thereby permanently relinquishing their sovereignty.

This is why the West has given nuclear technology to North Korea and China. At this point, before hundreds of cities are annihilated, there will be an emergency U.N. conference. The agreement reached will be to surrender control over all weapons of mass destruction to a U.N. agency. The submission of all conventional armed forces to U.N command will follow. Eventually all military forces will be U.N. 'Peace Keeping' forces, whose purpose is to enforce the U.N. hegemony over rogue states.

If this sounds a little fantastic, consider this: NATO exercises for enforcing U.N. embargoes on breakaway states have already begun. The first exercise of NATO'S Response Force took place between 11th and 26th September 2003 in Galloway, Scotland. This was a 'crisis response' operation called 'Exercise Northern Lights' in which the mission was enforcing a U.N. arms embargo on a recently formed country.

A second exercise took place in Turkey on 20th November 2003. According to the NATO website, "the forces rescued and evacuated the U.N. staff and civilians, established an embargo, engaged in counter-terrorist operations and a show of force".

Like American and European politicians, the Russians and Chinese oligarchs are happy to play their part in this farce because they also dream of international governance. Former party bosses are happy to assume the new role of 'World Controllers' in the eastern regions of the Brave New World. The neo-Liberal/Conservative (Communitarian) government in the Whitehouse, like almost all previous administrations, is 100% committed to the globalist plan to destroy the independence of the U.S.. Once completed, the Donald Rumsfeld-initiated NATO Response Force will put the boot behind the imperial decrees the `Death Star` wishes to impose on rebel colonies.

The policy of weakening the U.S. military really began in earnest under Bush Sr. during the first Gulf War. 300,000 of the 700,000 troops deployed in that conflict are now seriously ill with Gulf War Illness. They are being denied cheap and effective medical care for no apparent reason.

Former Consultant to the Defence Department, Dr Garth Nicolson, estimates that at least 25,000 have died since the war ended. The others face permanent disability and destitution. Major Doug Rokke was the U.S. Army's depleted uranium project director in 1994-95 who has since campaigned tirelessly to expose the devastating health effects of DU munitions.

The report he has obtained from the U.S. Veterans Administration states that by August 2004, it had awarded permanent disability compensation to almost 280,000 U.S. troops who served in the Gulf region between August 1990 and May 2004.
Meanwhile, the Veterans Administration refuses to acknowledge that there is a Gulf War Illness, preferring to diagnose post-traumatic stress disorder.

The cause of Gulf War Illness is multi-faceted, invariably linked to depleted uranium munitions, experimental vaccinations and exposure to chemical and biological weapons. All of these factors lead back to the Western military-industrial complex controlled by the elite, whose ultimate goal is to destroy America militarily and economically. The troops who served in the first Gulf War have almost all been cycled out of the military, so the poor new recruits currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan know little or nothing of their appalling fate. The policy seems to be to give troops a limited operational lifespan, after which they are killed or incapacitated to make way for the next round of cannon fodder. Meanwhile hundreds of billions of dollars are being bled from U.S. taxpayers to finance this destruction. As George Orwell concluded in 1984:

“War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking into the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable...”

Conclusion – A Righteous Alliance.

It has by now, been well enough documented, that the doom laden events occurring worldwide were planned long ago, and that the `blueprint` for global conquest outlined by Albert Pike appears well on course for realisation. In this series of articles, I have tried to show how through an alliance of intellect and money, the former inevitably in the service of the latter, the dark forces of Magic in the form of the Illuminati and their co conspirators, have captured all the positions of power throughout the nations of the world and are intent on driving humanity to the point of no return. But does it have to be that way?

The Hegelian Dialectic is literally killing us. It is the means by which we are manipulated to do their murder and their bidding. We are divided and conquered because of it. It is only by stepping out from their Dialectical Trap that we can hope to foil their plans, and finally rid the world of a malevolent force which has haunted mankind since the dawn of time.

As I have written in this article, for the Illuminati, the means to achieving their `ends` is a fomented clash between the West and Islam sometime in the the near future. That is the main theme of Samuel Huntington's thesis of the `Clash of Civilisations.` But the truth is that there should be no question of any such clash between Islam and Western civilisation, because the Judeo-Christian belief that forms the basis of Western civilisation, is in actuality in complete harmony and alliance with Islam, not in conflict with it. It is in the Luciferian Creed of the Illuminati one finds the conflict!

As people who believe in right over wrong, good over evil, and those who love God and follow His revelations, let us all rally to a common formula - `faith.` When all good people, be they Muslim, Christian or Jew, rally together in this way; when they understand that they are friends not enemies, when they see that the real enemy is the Luciferian Illuminati, then the world will become a very different place. The fighting that has raged for ages, enmities, fears - and the `false flag` terrorist attacks on innocent people- will then come to an end, and a new civilization based on love, respect and peace can be established upon this `common formula.`

However, achieving this goal depends on our identifying the methods used by our enemies to manipulate and control us; namely, the Hegelian formula, and thereafter the promoting of secularism, thereby bringing about a decline in religious morality and decency. Once we understand this, we can begin eradicating their ideological basis. The fact that the law of the strong, which is the Satanic model, prevails throughout the world, is wholly responsible for our fraught situation, for this attitude is as a virulent contagion, and engenders a social model based only upon self-interest.

Even more seriously, it has replaced acceptance, love, sympathy, compassion, and cooperation with conflict, greed, and dispute. This is not man's intrinsic nature, but the result of a perverse and intensive programmed way of thinking and being, which only serves the Luciferian cause, whilst at the same time aiding our own spiritual impoverishment and material enslavement.

In the present environment of hardship and troubles, sincere Jews, Christians, and Muslims must be even more accepting, conciliatory, complementary, and respectful of each other. They should not forget that unity, togetherness, and cooperation will bring success, and that dispute, argument, and conflict bring nothing but division and weakness, rendering our divided efforts ineffectual in the face of the menace which confronts us. The current situation demands the immediate formation of such an alliance.

The Illuminati know full well that at the root of all wars, conflicts, and all forms of corruption lies man's distancing himself from the true religious moral values, and this in itself explains why they have spent so much time, money and effort in defaming and de-constructing true belief.

Historically, the perverse interpretations of certain insincere individuals working on behalf of the malevolent force, allegedly in the name of a religion, have influenced the mass of people who had insufficient knowledge of the true religious ethic. And this has caused them to commit acts that were totally inappropriate in terms of said religious ethic. The solidarity of believers gains ever greater importance in the face of people who believe in the necessity of solving disagreements and problems by violent means, and those who routinely persecute people with oppressive and despotic implementations.

Every Christian, Muslim or Jewish believer, and all those who have understanding, are obliged to do his or her utmost to struggle and strive to end the `blight` on the lives of humanity caused by the Nexus Of Evil. It is right for those who believe in God, who try to gain His approval, who have surrendered to Him, whose hearts are bound to Him, who praise Him, and who essentially defend the same values, to act in partnership. Sincere believers should and must unite in order to live according to the moral values of their maker, and to unseat from his throne, the dark `Lord` of disaster and carnage, so that for the first time in all of history, men and women can live the lives meant for them by God, and not the lives perverted for them by Lucifer.

Comments to : and






5] (See also Part 8 in this series)


*Note: The term Anti Semite implies one is anti Semitic. The vast majority of `Jews` (97%) today originate in Khazaria, not Palestine. In fact, the true Semites are to found in the Arab peoples of the Arabian Peninsula.



Essential Reading :

The Police State Roadmap by Michael Nield

Monday, 14 September 2009

The Nexus Of Evil : Part Nine (A Pre-emptive Strike On Humanity).

By Philip Jones 28th August 2009.


For most of us, the events of September 11th 2001 may have changed the world as we knew it, but not the world that was! The Hidden Masters of that secret world which most know nothing about, took a quantum leap towards the attainment of their `Great Work Of Ages` that fateful Autumnal day, eight years ago. Ironically, and tragically, it took the loss of thousands of lives, the destruction of millions of dollars worth of property, and the sheer transparency of the official lie, to provide a shock sodden wake up call to humanity that not all was as it should be.

It is true that most of the global population sucked up the official story programmed into them by the Mass Media; but nonetheless, for many like myself, when those planes hit the twin towers, it was as if a `Stargate` to a different reality had appeared before me, shattering what illusions I had left, providing the impetus for me to once again use the investigative skills I had learnt as a Police Officer, in order to search for that most elusive element in the human experience; The Truth!

Following five years of reading and investigation, it was in 2007 that I began to write down my thoughts. I am neither academic nor intellectual, just a retired Cop, so the course I am now following is not an easy one. Yet the rewards of sharing one's findings with those who have understanding, and leading them on to researchers far more capable than myself, far outweigh the struggles and trials one faces in gathering such information and then setting it down coherently for others to read.

Here in this, the ninth part of what has become an extended series of articles, we will bring our story more or less up to date, and in the following conclusion, look forward to what likely scenario awaits us as we move ever closer to that seemingly inevitable `crisis` point, which will determine whether the intrinsic good that is in the heart of the mass of humanity, will arise at last, and release itself, from its tormentors, or whether a Third World War of catastrophic proportions will cull the mass of the people of the planet, and thrust humankind into the past darkly; inaugurating a brutal Global Fiefdom, with Lucifer as its Royal Lord, and the Illuminists its Aristocratic Regulators.

If we accept that a conflict, or `Clash Of Civilisations` between the West and Islam can be regarded as the key to unlock the Illuminati's Pandora's Box for the installation of a world government, then in this the penultimate `episode` in the series, it is to the Islamic world, its relations with the West, and the key conspirators involved, that we must again return to and focus our attention on.

So then, to the task at hand!

The New Machiavelli.

“World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the Leaders of the Moslem world. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically.” Albert Pike[1].

Have you heard of Michael Ledeen? [2]As a non American, I admit that I had not prior to reading David Livingstone's book, Terrorism And The Illumniati [3]. I would hazard a guess that even those aware of who Ledeen is, have no idea of the man's extraordinary influence in US foreign affairs. I think it's time we get to know about a man whose whole portfolio is tainted with murder and blood, and whose influence is such, that innocent nations get invaded upon his recommendation.

In order to ensure success in Pike's proposed clash with the Muslim world, the Illuminati had intended all along, that following the 9/11 `False Flag` operation, the already planned invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq would accomplish far more than mere “regime change,” and the ruse introduction of so called democracy; rather, territorial and cultural conquest and occupation. Ledeen, one of the most most influential of the Neo Con spokesmen, has termed the US strategy in the Middle East and Central Asia as,“Total War.”

“No stages. This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq... this is entirely the wrong way to go about it. If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war... our children will sing great songs about us years from now.”

Ledeen is a resident scholar at the right-wing “think-tank”, the American Enterprise Institute[5], where he works with the former chairman of the Defence Policy Board, Richard Perle[4]. He is also a contributing editor to the U.S. National Review and the Jewish World Review, and was a founding member of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, JINSA. In 2003, the Washington Post discovered that he was the only full-time international affairs analyst consulted by Karl Rove, George W. Bush's closest advisor. In other words, the man is mainline Illuminati.

Ledeen had been present in Italy in the late 1970s, when he acted in a consultative capacity for Italian military intelligence, and cultivated strong connections to right-wing factions, including the notorious P2 Masonic Lodge. P2 was responsible for Italy's `Strategy of Tension,` which was a campaign of false-flag terror operations, waged by the Gladio Brigades[6], under the patronage of the CIA and the Mafia. These were intended to discredit the increasingly popular Communist Party.

Early in 1978, Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro was kidnapped and later assassinated by the so-called “Red brigades,” an apparently pro Soviet terrorist group. Evidence now exists that shows Moro’s murder was orchestrated by P2[7], and that both the “Red” and “Black” brigades were heavily penetrated by US intelligence, who are credited with “running” them. The `Strategy of Tension` campaign culminated in the Bologna train station bombing of 1980.

When P2 had come under increasing scrutiny in 1979, Masonic grandmaster Lucio Gelli had reportedly made his base of operations the Montecarlo Comite. Known members of the Montecarlo Comite are Gelli, Henry Kissinger, Alexander Haig, former Supreme Commander of NATO, and Michael Ledeen.

Ledeen then returned to Washington in 1981 as “anti-terrorism” advisor to Alexander Haig, the new secretary of state. During the following years, Ledeen used his position as consultant to Haig, the Pentagon and the National Security Council under Ronald Reagan, to propagate the idea of a global terrorist conspiracy based in the Kremlin, with the KGB supposedly pulling the strings of all of the world's key terrorist groups, particularly those in the Middle East.

He was also a major player in the Iran-Contra Affair. As a consultant of National Security Adviser Robert C. McFarlane, Ledeen vouched for Iranian intermediary Manucher Ghorbanifar, and met with Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, and officials of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the CIA to arrange meetings with high-ranking Iranian officials and the much-criticized weapons-for-hostages deal with Iran, that would become known as the Iran-Contra scandal [3].

Ledeen had, along with Arnaud de Borchgrave, in `The New Republic,` “exposed” some details of Billy Carter’s dealings with the Muammar Gaddafi regime in Libya, which de-legitimized his brother’s presidency. Ledeen seems to be again involved in the fabrication of evidence, this time in the instance of the forged documents “uncovered” by Italian intelligence. These depicted an attempt by Iraq's Saddam Hussein regime to purchase yellow-cake uranium from Niger, which formed the basis of President Bush’s support for the invasion of Iraq, and which subsequently unravelled into the “Plamegate” scandal.

Regarding regime change in Iraq, in 2002 Ledeen criticized the views of former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft, writing:

“He fears that if we attack Iraq we could have an explosion in the Middle East. It could turn the whole region into a cauldron and destroy the War on Terror. One can only hope that we turn the region into a cauldron, and faster, please. If ever there were a region that richly deserved being cauldronized, it is the Middle East today. If we wage the war effectively, we will bring down the terror regimes in Iraq, Iran, and Syria, and either bring down the Saudi monarchy or force it to abandon its global assembly line to indoctrinate young terrorists. That's our mission in the war against terror.”

Ledeen specifically called for the deposition of Saddam Hussein's regime by force in 2002:

“Okay, well if we are all so certain about the dire need to invade Iraq, then when do we do so? Yesterday!"

Ledeen's statements prior to the start of the Iraq war such as "desperately-needed and long overdue war against Saddam Hussein" and "dire need to invade Iraq" make his later statement to Glenn Greenwald that he "opposed the military invasion of Iraq before it took place" to be an "outright lie". However, Ledeen maintains these statements are consistent since: "I advocated — as I still do — support for political revolution in Iran as the logical and necessary first step in the war against the terror masters.”

In Ledeen's own words, on a leadership trait he admires, from his book Universal Fascism:

“In order to achieve the most noble accomplishments, the leader may have to 'enter into evil.' This is the chilling insight that has made Machiavelli so feared, admired and challenging... we are rotten.... It’s true that we can achieve greatness if, and only if, we are properly led.”

Ledeen stated, at a meeting of the American Enterprise Institute, involving Richard Perle, Newt Gingrich, Nathan Sharansky and James Woolsey:

"Regime change must be achieved by any means necessary in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority.”

In his book, `Machiavelli on Modern Leadership: Why Machiavelli's Iron Rules Are as Timely and Important Today as Five Centuries Ago,` Michael Ledeen proclaimed, “Change – above all violent change – is the essence of human history.” Again we see how intrinsic the application of the Hegelian Dialectic [8] is to the Illuminati Agenda. Ultimately, Ledeen believes that violence in the service of the spread of what he feels is “freedom” around the world is merely a continuation of America’s revolutionary struggle. “Total war” says Ledeen, “not only destroys the enemy’s military forces, but also brings the enemy society to an extremely personal point of decision, so that they are willing to accept a reversal of the cultural trends. The sparing of civilian lives cannot be the total war’s first priority... The purpose of total war is to permanently force your will onto another people.”

An Arc Of Crisis - For Muslims.

Following the defeat of the Soviet Union in 1989, at the hands of the CIA backed Mujahideen in Afghanistan [9], and very much in line with what the PNAC would later propose in it's 2000 document, `Rebuilding America's Defences,` the US administration began to assume an ever more aggressive stance in its international policies. As we have seen above in Part Eight, (and dealt with below) in the wake of 9/11, the G.W Bush administration launched what could be interpreted as a NEO CON -Zionist Crusade against the nations of Afghanistan and then Iraq.

In Afghanistan, even though some eight years later, hostilities continue, a so-called victory was quickly declared over the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate, eliminating the rule of Shari’ah and replacing it with a puppet anti-Islamic government that showered the Afghani people with promises of a better life and freedom. In the absence of any rival superpower, the US, now assuming for itself the role of global policeman, all indications are that the PNAC conspirators in the US Government calculated that the so-called victory in Afghanistan would pave the way for unconditional and unopposed control over the Muslim world.

However, a few months following the invasion, it became evident the US had not even been able to secure the safety of its own soldiers in Afghanistan—let alone to take control of the country—proving the Taliban[10], having executed a tactical withdrawal of their troops from major cities to preserve their arms and fighters, remained undefeated. The only discernible achievement of the US led invasion has been the spread of poverty, crime, diseases, a degradation of security and an `explosion` in drug trafficking in those areas under the control of the Satanic alliance.

In addition, the sharp increase in day and night Mujahideen operations against the allied forces, forcing them to withdraw from many of their positions in the south, east and centre of the country, had inflicted continuous losses to the allied military forces. But despite all this, the US has on the contrary, vigorously pursued the murderous Neo Con Agenda of colonialism and conquest in Afghanistan, and at this juncture, there seems no end to its ambitions there.

Then, in 2003, ignoring world opinion and massive public opposition, American led, so called coalition forces, invaded Iraq on grounds which were nothing but lies, launching what was termed operation `Shock And Awe,` against a people who had already suffered terribly for almost a decade under US sponsored UN sanctions, and who were in no position to defend themselves.

As in Afghanistan, the US administration exercised similar inhumane and barbaric policies in their attempt to take control over Iraq, as is reflected in the random detention, on a massive scale of Iraqi men, women, the elderly and even children; along with the destruction and looting of their homes and properties under the pretext of ‘hunting down’ resistance fighters.

As a result, thousands of ordinary Iraqis with no part to play in the saga, other than trying to live their lives and survive, have been illegally detained and many killed whilst in detention. It is clear that the objective of such a hostile policy against innocent civilians has been to terrorize the Iraqi populace into subjection.

In order appreciate the strategy of the operations now being conducted against the Islamic world by the Illuninati Hidden Power, in the ostensible form of the Neo Con/Libs and Zionists, we will briefly examine in more detail the conflicts in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Afghanistan : Slaughter For Oil Pipelines And Poppy Fields.

On September 11, 2001, as the twin towers of the World Trade Centre collapsed to the ground, and part of the Pentagon lay in rubble, all fingers almost immediately began pointing to the one man, whom the US, has, over the years brainwashed the American public to hate, fear and seek "protection" against. The U.S. has accused Osama bin Laden of being involved in many acts of terrorism, not providing any evidence to justify these accusations.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban Government followed suit and denounced the attacks. Wakeel Ahmed Mutawakel, the foreign minister of Afghanistan's ruling Taliban regime, told the Arab television network Al Jazeera, "We denounce this terrorist attack, whoever is behind it." [CNN - 09/12/01]. Afghanistan was one of the very first nations to express its condolences to the families of the victims of the horrific and atrocious act, which has no basis in Islam.

The U.S. Administration however, playing the wounded and indignant victim, stated adamantly, via the bought and paid for global media, that it was in no doubt that Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda network was the force behind the attacks, and almost immediately threatened Afghanistan with military measures for harbouring a "terrorist" and "terrorist camps."

The US quickly managed, mostly but not exclusively via coercion, to get some forty other nations `on board, in their 'coalition against `terror.` The Taliban asked the U.S. not to attack their already war-ravaged country, which even at that time continued to feel the effects of sanctions and an ever present famine. They also repeatedly asked the U.S. to provide them with evidence for their accusations that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon, making it clear that they would try him in court, but no evidence was given by the U.S., either to the world, or to the Taliban.

The Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, Abdul Salam Zaeef said in a press conference on Friday September 21 that, "It has angered Muslims of the world and can plunge the whole region into a crisis. We are ready to cooperate if we are shown evidence. If American agencies are bent on putting the blame on bin Laden, then they won't be able to catch the real culprits."

In an attempt to win popular support and pacify world public opinion, the US claimed to have provided its allies with irrefutable evidence that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the attacks. However, when British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, subsequently made this 'evidence' public, numerous political analysts and journalists rejected it as being flimsy and weak.

Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar said, "It is unacceptable that America issues ultimatums to the Islamic world either to listen to America's message or accept destruction." Holding Osama bin Laden responsible for the strikes in New York and Washington is an excuse, he said. "Afghanistan does not have resources, nor is Osama that powerful, nor does he have contacts with the outside world to carry out or plan such attacks. We also do not give him permission to use Afghan territory against any other country." Osama bin Laden has also explicitly denied having any involvement in the attacks on the U.S.

Whilst the Taliban made repeated efforts to prevent another devastating war, by asking America to provide evidence of it's accusations against Osama bin Laden, Mullah Omar also made it clear that if the U.S. still chose to fight unnecessarily, the Taliban would retaliate. "Let America be assured that war in Afghanistan is not a picnic," he said, explaining that Afghanistan had never tried to create problems with America. "We have held talks in the present and the past with U.S. governments several times, and we are ready for more talks. If they choose otherwise, they are looking for an endless war that will burn America and America only. When America doesn't choose a peaceful way out of this and chooses war and confrontation, she only is responsible for the consequences."

Undeterred by the calls for justice, the U.S. together with its biggest ally, the UK, began its preparations for war, placing military forces on standby alert.

Was The "Evidence" Against Osama Bin Laden Justification For War?

If the case against Osama Bin Laden was weak, and it really was, then we have to ask ourselves "why did the US and the coalition attack Afghanistan in the first place and why are they still there?”

The UK's Independent newspaper on 7th October 2001, published an article of a UK Government document report intended to vindicate its case against Bin Laden, as being entirely without substance.

The report was initially heralded as being evidence of Osama bin Laden's guilt, but instead, close analysis of the 21-page document put out by the Government revealed a report of conjecture, supposition and unsubstantiated assertions of fact. It used every trick in the Whitehall drafter's arsenal to make the reader believe they were reading something they were not: a damning indictment of Mr. bin Laden for the events of 11th September.

Tony Blair and his officials were it was said delighted with the reaction to publication of the dossier. British Ministers believe the document has sealed the propaganda war, convincing the country of the need to move against Mr. bin Laden and al-Qa'ida and to accept limited British and civilian casualties.

The report was put together by a committee which included senior members of MI5 and MI6, working round the clock, with drafts going backwards and forwards to Washington. Within Whitehall, the dossier was seen as vital to gaining the approval of a naturally cautious and sceptical British public. As a paper produced by mandarins anxious to brook no argument it is a classic of its kind, straight from the script of Yes Minister: short on checkable detail; long on bold assertion; highly selective with the choice of facts.

UK Officials when they prepare such reports operate to a set of principles. They know that unlike the US, and thanks to their efforts in suppressing freedom of information down the years, Britain is a secret society. The British are not accustomed to having anything presented to us about intelligence matters and threats to national security. That, plus the British characteristic of not defying authority, especially in times of crisis, means that if the Government says loudly enough that something is "evidence", even if it is not, it will be accepted as such.

In the introduction, not the conclusion, the document stated: "The clear conclusions reached by the government are: Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, the terrorist network which he heads, planned and carried out the atrocities on 11 September 2001." Introductions, as the authors knew too well, normally set up a document, relating the background as to why the book or, in this instance, a government document, has been written. Here, that convention was rejected: from the word go, the Government wanted to ensure the point of the document was conveyed.

The document's complete lack of substantive evidence proving that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the attacks on 9/11, in addition to all other official grounds given by the US Government renders the war in Afghanistan illegal. Many people go on about the US obtaining UN mandates for this action but the only type they obtained were mandates which legitimise this action in principal, what that means is that the UN mandates only say (in lay terms) that a nation is justified in retaliation against another nations unprovoked attack, what is not mentioned is that absolutely no mandate was obtained to bomb Afghanistan on the basis of weak evidence.

Leaving that aside, lets' discuss the above points in the two previous sections. Did the US have something to hide in not presenting the "evidence" to the Taliban and a World Court? Well of course it did! If Osama was guilty then why did they not simply present the `evidence` to the Taliban instead of belligerently demanding that the Taliban hand him over, with no conditions even though the US provided absolutely zero evidence that bin Laden was guilty? Certainly it would seem that the Taliban were justified in not handing over Osama Bin Laden, just because a foreign country demands his extradition, without presenting substantive `evidence!` This swiftly moves us to conclude that the evidence was insufficient to convict Osama Bin Laden! The conclusion of the article itself is summarised quite neatly in this one sentence:

"...close analysis of the 21-page document put out by the Government on Thursday reveals a report of conjecture, supposition and unsubstantiated assertions of fact. It uses every trick in the Whitehall drafter's arsenal to make the reader believe they are reading something they are not: a damning indictment of Mr. bin Laden for the events of 11 September."

Again we must ask ourselves, if the "evidence" was not sufficient to convict bin Laden in a court of law (as the above article says) then why was the war launched in the first place and why are they still bombing Afghanistan? We would do well to remember that the USA stated that they it was bombing Afghanistan specifically to make the Taliban hand over Bin Laden.

Another shoddy tactic used by the Western leaders to further demonise Osama Bin Laden in order to rally public support, was the disappearing "video" in which Osama Bin Laden apparently "confesses" that he was in fact the mastermind behind 9/11. Needless to say, the video which was scheduled to be screened to the world failed to appear, and all we were left with as `proof` was the dubious word of Prime Minister Tony Blair and an unsubstantiated transcript of the video. But consider this; if they managed to make a transcript of Osama's `confession` , why then were they unable to produce the video for the world to see?

Think about it, if they claim to have seen this video why did they not show it to us? Since they had a transcript it is only logical that they had the tape, so where was this tape? At this point I would like to offer two good links which feature many good articles and links about this ongoing saga,
What really happened? and September the 11th, they provide good articles and links from highly credible sources.

To shed further doubt on the official reason for the invasion of Afghanistan, here is a short transcript from a BBC article which says that Bin Laden never claimed to have any nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction in the Urdu translation of the interview he had with the editor of the Pakistani newspaper, Dawn, and that it was only in the English translation that he claimed to have these weapons. The full article can be found

Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir, the editor of the Urdu-language newspaper Ausaf, conducted the interview with Bin Laden, who is widely held responsible for the suicide attacks on the United States two months ago. Dawn's English version quotes Bin Laden as saying:

"If America used chemical and nuclear weapons against us, then we may retort with chemical and nuclear weapons. We have the weapons as a deterrent."

Mr Mir then asks Bin Laden where he got the weapons, which the al-Qaeda leader declines to answer.

But in the Urdu version of the article, Bin Laden does not threaten to use nuclear or chemical weapons.

"The US is using chemical weapons against us and it has also decided to use nuclear weapons. But our war will continue," he says, according to the BBC's own translation of the Ausaf article.

"The two versions are otherwise very similar," says the BBC Monitoring unit.

Truly an insight into the workings of the media whores the world over! This clearly shows that an intended and purposeful propaganda campaign to demonise Osama bin Laden in particular and Islam in general in the eyes of the West, in an effort to gain support for the illegal war against the people of Afghanistan.

"I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle."- Osama Bin Laden. This is what he declared in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper, `The Ummat.`

Since the "evidence" against Osama Bin Laden is non-existent in legal terms, why then is the US led coalition still occupying Afghanistan and condoning what can only be described as `Neo Colonialism` and massive scale terrorism?

Perhaps the same rational, logic and action should have been applied to Israel when they they refused to hand over Ariel Sharon, who was being investigated for major war-crimes (this is exactly the same situation as with Bin Laden, who has never been convicted, and yet the US demanded his extradition) yet we saw no great military coalition being formed against Israel, let alone a bombing campaign! Again, it must be emphasised that the Taliban were never provided with any evidence to prove Osama's guilt, so could hardly be expected to hand over a man to another country on the basis of mere suspicion?

The Neo-Con Zionist Axis Turned America Into A Terrorist Nation.

This is in flagrant violation of UN rules, but as we all know by now, the USA government, or rather those pulling its strings do not consider themselves to be subject to the multitude of laws and regulations used to bind the rest of us, while at the same time, hypocritically condemning other nations for not following UN rules.

link [12]to a speech by Noam Chomsky explains how the US, even though in not so may words, declared a terrorist state by an International court of human rights, has refused to accept any responsibility for it's covert operations (terrorism) in Nicaragua or to submit to due process for it's policy which led to the deaths of thousands of people in that land.

Of interest is the
The America service members protection Act 2001[13] which effectively prevents it's VIP's, politicians and it's military from being held to account and or prosecuted for war crimes. One must ask, if a nation goes to these lengths to `immunise` itself from the possibility of being prosecuted for war-crimes which are known about; is it committing wartime atrocities which are hidden from public knowledge?

I think it safe to say that the latter option is in the affirmative. In fact, the Project Monarch and MK-Ultra Mind Control Programmes attest to this fact. But I digress.

Terrorism Is Subjective..

So, former President Bush's `just war?` turns out to be anything but. Clearly many other states harbour supposed terrorists, so why are they specifically bombing Afghanistan (and now Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, etc.)? America did not even accede to the Taliban's simple request, that it hand over evidence of Osama's guilt to have him extradited. Of course, they never had a case against him in the first place, and were merely attempting to justify the implementation of `Phase One` in the build-up to the Clash Of Civilisations.

As an added bonus, most certainly the American defence industry has reaped huge benefits from the war, and as Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in his book, `The Grand Chessboard,` the domination of Central Asia and its plentiful supply of mineral deposits, would be the primary strategic objective in the 21st Century.

The Devastation Of An Innocent People.

What causes the documented high level of civilian casualties -- 3,767 civilian deaths in eight and a half weeks -- in the U.S. air war upon Afghanistan? The explanation is the apparent willingness of U.S. military strategists to fire missiles into and drop bombs upon, heavily populated areas of Afghanistan. A legacy of the ten years of civil war during the 80s is that many military garrisons and facilities are located in urban areas where the Soviet-backed government had placed them since they could be better protected there from attacks by the rural Mujahideen. Successor Afghan governments inherited these emplacements.

To suggest that the Taliban used 'human shields' is more revealing of the historical amnesia and racism of those making such claims, than of Taliban deeds. Anti-aircraft emplacements will naturally be placed close to ministries, garrisons, communications facilities, etc.. A heavy bombing onslaught must necessarily result in substantial numbers of civilian casualties simply by virtue of proximity to 'military targets', a reality exacerbated by the admitted occasional poor targeting, human error, equipment malfunction, and the irresponsible use of out-dated Soviet maps. But, the critical element remains the very low value put upon Afghan civilian lives by U.S. military planners and the political elite, as clearly revealed by U.S. willingness to bomb heavily populated regions.

“Current Afghan civilian lives must and will be sacrificed in order to [possibly] protect future American lives.”

Actions speak, and words [can] obscure: the hollow pretence of pious pronouncements made by Rumsfeld, Rice and the compliant corporate media about the great care taken to minimize collateral damage is plain for all to see. Other U.S. bombing targets struck are impossible to 'explain' in terms other than the U.S. seeking to inflict maximum pain upon Afghan society and its perceived 'enemies': the targeted bombing of the Kajakai dam power station, the Kabul telephone exchange, the Al Jazeera Kabul office, trucks and buses filled with fleeing refugees, and the numerous attacks upon civilian trucks carrying fuel oil. Indeed, the bombing of Afghan civilian infrastructure parallels that of the Afghan civilian.

These Are people We Are Killing!

Mohammed Raza, an `odd-job man`, was not so lucky. At 8 pm. as he was walking home, near to the Jalalabad airport. A cruise missile targeted at a Taliban facility `a few hundred yards away,` strayed and landed next to him. Shrapnel pierced his neck, grazing his spine, paralysing him.

Three days later, a researcher at the Institute for Health & Social Justice, Partners in Health of Harvard University, H.J. Chien, confirmed that civilians had been killed in Jalalabad and elsewhere. On October 9th, the Pakistan Observer [Islamabad] daily newspaper reported on the first night, "37 Killed, 81 Injured in Sunday's Strikes." The casualties spanned four provinces : Kabul - 20, heart -9, Kandahar -4 and Jalalabad -4.

By October 10th, The Guardian reported 76 dead civilians. And by October 15th, the leading Indian daily, The Times of India was mentioning over 300 civilian casualties and that the US-UK bombing action was in violation of Article 51 of the United Nations Charter allowing the use of force in self-defence. On the following day [October 16th], the alternative U.S. media noted that during the first week of bombing, 400 Afghan civilians had been slaughtered.

Yet, the mainstream western press only took note of civilian those casualties on October 9th when a cruise missile destroyed the building of the United Nations land mine removing contracting firm, the Afghan Technical Centre, in the upper class Macroyan residential district of eastern Kabul, killing four night watchmen. Tellingly, the day before, October 8th, twenty other Afghans living near the Kabul airport (in the Qasabah Khana neighborhood) and near the Kabul radio station were also killed. On October 10th, the Sultanpur Mosque in Jalalabad was hit by a bomb during prayers, killing 17 people. As neighbours rushed into the rubble to pull out one injured, a second bomb was dropped reportedly killing at least another 120 people (though I have not included this figure in my tally).

Fleeing the intense bombing in Kandahar, Mehmood, a Kandahar merchant, brought his family to his ancestral village of Chowkar-Karez, a village 25 miles north of Kandahar. His extended family, crowded into six cars, arrived at a village just about when it was attacked by U.S. war-planes during the night of October 22/23rd. Ironically, the cars arriving in the night may have prompted the raid -- as the Pentagon labels such movements after dark as `a target of opportunity.` Said Mehmood, "I brought my family here for safety, and now there are 19 dead, including my wife, my brother, sister, sister-in-law, nieces, nephews, my uncle. What am I supposed to do now?"

One is tempted to naively ask, “Why is the media covering up these events and giving a false image of low civilian casualties? " But those who understand the Illuminati Agenda, and the personages involved know full well why. The Western media is owned by the same people waging war against the innocents. It plays a major role in the shaping (programming) of public opinion in the West (and around the globe), and if it were shown that there is a high casualty rate in Afghanistan there would be protests hampering the American/NATO military effort in Afghanistan. It should therefore seem logical to even the most uninformed citizen that the media is aiding the American government in its destructive and murderous campaign in Afghanistan. This is not only dishonest but it facilitates the deaths of innocents by way of hiding from the people the knowledge that this killing is happening.

See for further evidence of Nato War Crimes.

Iraq: Return To Babylon.

It can reasonably said that the Illuminati conspiracy began long long ago in a town called Babylon whose ancient ruins lie just 50 miles south of today's Baghdad. In his book Terrorism And The Illuminati, David Livingstone explains thus:

“The plot for a series of World Wars in the twentieth century, culminating in a third against the Muslim world, was devised in the eighteenth century, by American Civil War general, Albert Pike, then Grand Master of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, a primary adjunct of the Illuminati. However, though the final stages of this plot have been largely reserved for our time, the conspiracy is affiliated with a lore of occult knowledge that dates back to at least the sixth century BC. This lore begins with a heresy, known as Kabbalah, which disguises itself as Jewish, but is a pact to seek world domination, and the eradication of religion in favour of the worship of Lucifer.”

In the sixth century BC, the Assyrians finally succeeded in the sacking Jerusalem, and taking the remaining Jewish population into captivity, this time to the city of Babylon, near what is now Baghdad in Iraq. The tragedy was of enormous psychological consequence for Jewish people. The presence of the Jewish people in the Holy Land was regarded by many as a core tenet of their faith. According to the Bible, God had ratified a covenant between Himself and Abraham, to grant the land of Palestine to his descendants. This promise, however, was contingent on the Jewish people adhering to the Commandments of the Law. Ultimately, their Exile was a punishment fulfilled for their repeated transgressions and occult leanings.

Nevertheless, there were some among the Jewish exiles, who chose not to regard their captivity as a punishment, but as a temporary trial. Instead, they interpreted their status as God’s “Chosen” as a permanent relationship, and that the Promise to inhabit the land of Zion, or Palestine, was binding forever. Thus, this new Zionist interpretation was closely intertwined with the mystical directions of the Kabbalah. Therefore, this new Zionist interpretation was a bastardization of the real intent of the Jewish faith, and, as we shall see, was not an integral part of it, but was, through the centuries, increasingly imposed upon the rest of the Jewish community, by a minority committed to this diabolical scheme.

In Babylon, these heretical Jews, who refused to purge their religion of pagan influences, instead added to them the adopted practices of Babylonian magic. However, knowing that magic was forbidden in Judaism, they rejected the God of Israel, choosing instead to honour Lucifer, who they identified with the traditional enemy of the Hebrew faith, Baal. In order not to reveal their apostasy, they disguised their hidden faith as an “interpretation” of the religion, a cult now known as the Kabbalah.

Again, David Livingstone explains:

This development is carefully described in the Koran, which explains that, though it was claimed the Kabbalah was derived originally from King Solomon, it was demons who taught such things, teaching them that which had been revealed to the angels Harut and Marut in Babylon. According to the Koran, chapter 2: 101-102:

“When a messenger was sent to them (the Jews) by God confirming the revelations they had already received some of them turned their backs (to God’s message) as if they had no knowledge of it. They followed what the demons attributed to the reign of Solomon. But Solomon did not blaspheme, it was the demons who blasphemed, teaching men magic and such things as were revealed at Babylon to the angels Harut and Marut. But neither of these taught anyone (such things) without saying; “we are a trial, so do not blaspheme.” They learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife. But they could not harm anyone except by God’ s permission. And they learned what harmed them, not what benefited them. And they knew that the purchasers of (magic) would have no share in the happiness of the hereafter. And vile was the price for which they sold their souls, if they but knew.”

Borrowing from Jewish themes, therefore, these Kabbalists would seek world domination by arguing that they were preparing the world for the coming of the Messiah, and merely aiding God in bringing about His promise to institute them as rulers of the world. Having rejected the Jewish faith, however, they did not await the real Messiah, but would seek to establish their own ruler, who they would falsely claim as messiah, who would aid them in implementing the global acceptance of their occult creed.

According to their Kabbalistic interpretation of the Bible, their `Messiah` is to be of line of King David, and since that time, and in order to preserve this purported lineage, until the advent of their expected leader, these Luciferians have been carefully intermarrying amongst each other, and have included among them many of the leading figures of history. They begin with a Persian Royal family, who intermarried with that of Alexander the Great. By combining with that of Herod the Great, these families were responsible for the creation and dissemination of the leading mystery school of the Roman Empire, the Mysteries of Mithras, which eventually succeeded in co-opting the emerging Christian movement, by producing Catholic Christianity.

Nevertheless, a secret, or Gnostic, version of Christianity, also derived from Mithraism, survived to compete with Catholicism, in the form of several secret societies, like the Templars, Rosicrucians and Freemasons, practising occult arts, or what is known as `witchcraft.` This tradition, was perpetuated by the most popularized branch of the Luciferian bloodline, the Merovingians. Symbolized by the Holy Grail, the Merovingians, after intermarrying into the family of a Jewish Exilarch, or claimant to the Jewish throne, culminated in all the leading families of the Crusades.

It was at this time that this European branch of the family recombined with others from Eastern Europe and Armenia. These Eastern aristocracies derived from the enigmatic Khazars, who had populated southern Russia and the Basin of the Don River, and who, in the eighth century AD, had converted to Judaism. Legend has it, however, that the Khazars were remnants of the Lost Tribes. Armenia, just across the Caucasus, was another locale of these supposed Lost Tribes. It was the intermarriage and perpetuation of these aristocratic bloodlines that were being referred to in the heraldic symbols of the lily, the rose, the double-headed eagle, and the skull and crossbones.

Also during the Crusades, this network connected with an important occult center hiding within the Islamic world, in Cairo Egypt, who followed the heretical version of Islam known as Ismailism. According to Masonic legend, a number of these “Eastern Brethren” were rescued and brought to Scotland, where they provided the basis of Sottish Rite Freemasonry, which only emerged in the eighteenth century. However, at the same time, this legend also provided the basis for the establishment of Freemasonry in Egypt, which then became the second centre of Illuminati activism. It was from these secret networks of impostors by which the Western powers created Islamic terrorism, used to foment of a Clash of Civilizations, through the fabrication of the terrorist threat.

Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The 2003 invasion of Iraq was officially, and now in hindsight, grotesquely dubbed, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and has been followed by an interminable U.S. Occupation of that sad country. As a propaganda tool of its political perpetrators, this spurious action, having first been promoted as a "War to liberate Iraq" has now become in effect a "War in Iraq."

"The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law. The invasion was an arbitrary military action inspired by a series of lies upon lies and gross manipulation of the media and therefore of the public; an act intended to consolidate American military and economic control of the Middle East masquerading - as a last resort - all other justifications having failed to justify themselves - as liberation. A formidable assertion of military force responsible for the death and mutilation of thousands and thousands of innocent people. We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it 'bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East”-- Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter.

The US led seven-year war of aggression and subsequent occupation of Iraq has at its core a Luciferian purpose, is driven by political `Neo Con/Lib Zionism,` and is economically supported by a variety of very powerful imperial interests. However these interests do not in themselves explain the depth and scope of the sustained, massive and continuing destruction of an entire society and its reduction to a permanent state of war.

We will now examine the main orchestrator's, manipulators and strategic reasoning behind the invasion of Iraq and as is ever pertinent in such events, ask that perennial question, “Cui Bono,” or who benefits. It must be understood by the reader that although major players in the `Geo Political` drama of current world events, these are not the `Capstone Elite` of the Illuminati. Nonetheless, they wield significant and malevolent influence within the halls of power.

The Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC), which features such prominent hard-line supporters of the State of Israel as Douglas Feith and Paul Wolfowitz, Irving (Scooter) Libby, Stuart Levey, Elliot Abrams, together with a cohort of consultants such as Presidential speech writer David Frum, and secondary officials and policy advisers to the State Department. These committed Zionist `insiders' were further supported by numerous `Israel-First` functionaries in the fifty one primary American Jewish associations, which form the PMAJO (President of the Major American Jewish Organizations).

It is their publicly affirmed goal to advance Israel's agenda, and using its substantial influence, strongly advocated the case for an American led war against Iraq in order to overthrow Saddam Hussein, occupy the country, physically divide Iraq, destroy its military and industrial capability and impose a pro-Israel/pro-US puppet regime. Their proposed plan intended that Iraq be ethnically cleansed and then divided along religious and tribal lines, as was advocated by the ultra-right, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and the `Liberal' President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations and militarist-Zionist, Leslie Gelb.

Influential and powerful criminals like Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney whose aim was to extend US imperial reach in the Persian Gulf and strengthen its geo-political position by eliminating a strong, secular, nationalist backer of Arab anti-imperialist insurgency in the Middle East in the shape of Saddam Husein. These militarists sought to a) further project the US military s encirclement of Russia and b) secure complete control over Iraqi oil reserves thereby exerting economic and strategic pressure on China. A far reaching element in all of this was Vice President Cheney's past ties with the oil industry and current (at that time) his role as CEO of Halliburton's giant military base contractor subsidiary Kellogg-Brown and Root, which was consolidating the US Empire through worldwide military base expansion. US oil companies, in fear of losing ground to their European and Asian competitors, were anxious and eager that Saddam Hussein be dealt with.

The `Neo Imperialist` strategy of conquest and occupation was designed to establish a long-term colonial military presence in the form of strategic military bases with a significant and sustained contingent of colonial military advisor's and combat units. The brutal colonial occupation of an independent secular state with a strong nationalist history and an advanced infrastructure with a sophisticated military and police apparatus, extensive public services and wide-spread literacy naturally led to the growth of a wide array of militant and armed anti-occupation movements.

In order to offset the threat of a major collective insurgency by Iraqi's, US colonial officials, the CIA and the Defence Intelligence Agencies utilised the well proven `divide and rule' strategy (the so-called `El Salvador solution' associated with the former `hot-spot' Ambassador and US Director of National Intelligence, John Negroponte) fomenting armed sectarian-based conflicts and promoting inter-religious strife in order to debilitate any effort at a united nationalist anti-imperialist movement. The subsequent deconstruction of the secular civilian bureaucracy and the Iraqi armed forces which remained was designed by the Zionists in the Bush Administration to strengthen Israel's power in the region and to promote the rise of those militant Islamic groups, which had been previously suppressed by Saddam.

Israel was a past master of this strategy, having sponsored and financed sectarian Islamic militant groups, like Hamas, as an alternative to the secular Palestine Liberation Organization, thereby setting the stage for sectarian fighting among the Palestinians.

The results of these cynical policies were disastrous for the Iraqi people as the occupation `gangsters` used US taxpayers money to fund and exacerbate a plethora of internal conflicts as mullahs, tribal leaders, political gangsters, warlords, expatriates and death squads proliferated. Iraq pool of armed, unemployed young men formed the nucleus of a a new mercenary army. The engineered `civil war' and `ethnic conflict' provided spurious justification for the occupying forces and their Iraqi puppets to render redundant huge numbers of experienced soldiers, police and civil servants from the previous regime (especially if they were from Sunni, mixed or secular families) and to undermine entirely the very basis for civilian employment.

Using the pretexts of a generalized `war against terror,' US Special Forces and CIA-directed death squads proceeded to spread terror throughout Iraqi civil society, targeting those they suspected of daring to criticise the puppet government. This tactic has decimated the Iraqi educated and professional classes, who were purposely identified as being subversives. Precisely the Iraqis most capable of re-constructing an independent secular republic.

A primary engine behind the second Iraq war was an influential group of neo-conservative and neo-liberal ideologues with strong ties to Israel. They regarded (what for them), was success in the Iraq campaign as the first `domino' to fall, in a series of wars to `re-colonize' and redraw the map of the Middle East . They disguised their imperialist ideology with a paper thin veneer of rhetoric about spreading democracy in the Middle East (notwithstanding of course, the undemocratic policies of their beloved Israel over its subjugated Palestinian populace). In merging together Israeli regional ambitions and US imperial interests, the neo-conservatives and their neo-liberal fellow travellers in the Democratic Party have supported the two Illuminati chosen Puppet Presidents, Bush and Obama in their escalation of the wars against Afghanistan and Pakistan. They to a man supported Israel's recklessly savage bombing campaign against Lebanon, the land and air assault and massacre of thousands of civilians trapped in Gaza, the bombing of Syrian facilities and are vocally behind Israeli lobby pushing for a pre-emptive, full-scale military attack against Iran.

The advocates of the PNAC's strategy for multiple simultaneous wars in the Middle East and Central Asia regarded the securing of total control over Iraq as a necessary prerequisite prior to unleashing the full force of the awesome destructive power available to them. As a means of consolidating this control, and by way of silencing Iraqi civilian dissidents, they have funded both Shia clerics and Sunni tribal assassins, and contracted countless private mercenaries among the Kurdish Peshmerga warlords to carry out selective assassinations of leaders of civil society movements.

The colonial administration has created and trained a 200,000 member Iraqi colonial puppet army composed almost entirely of Shia gunmen, and excluded experienced Iraqi military men from secular, Sunni or Christian backgrounds. A barely reported aside of this build up of American trained and financed death squads and its puppet `Iraqi' army, was the virtual destruction of the ancient Iraqi Christian population, which was displaced, its churches bombed and its leaders, bishops and intellectuals, academics and scientists assassinated or driven into exile. Being well aware that Iraqi Christians had played a key role the historic development of the secular, nationalist, anti-British/anti-monarchist movements, their elimination as a force of influence was no coincidence. With their puppets in power, Iraq would serve as a launching platform for its strategic pursuit of the other `dominoes' (Syria, Iran, Central Asian Republics).

Since the US led coalition invaded in March 2003, over 1.3 million Iraqi civilians have died as a result of hostilities. To date, the invasion and occupation has cost the US treasury over $666 billion. This massive expenditure is evidence in itself of its centrality in the larger strategy for the entire Middle East/South and Central Asia region.

Back To The Stone Age?

Prior to the onslaught in 2003, Iraq had the most advanced scientific-cultural order in the Arab world, despite the repressive nature of Saddam Hussein's police state. There was a system of national health care, universal public education and generous welfare services. The separation of church and state and the protection of religious minorities (Christians, Assyrians and others) which existed prior to the invasion appears in sharp contrast to what has resulted from the US occupation and its destruction of the Iraqi civil and governmental structures. The oft propagated severely dictatorial rule of Saddam Hussein somehow then managed to preside over a highly developed modern civilization in which advanced scientific work went hand in hand with a strong nationalist and anti-imperialist identity. In turn, this resulted especially in the Iraqi people's solidarity for the plight of the Palestinian people under Israeli rule and occupation.

The architects of the invasion understood that it would take more than `regime change' to extirpate what was a deeply embedded and advanced secular republican culture in Iraqi conciousness. The American war planners and their Israeli advisers knew well prolonged occupation would increase Iraqi nationalism and provide a focal point for resistance. The secular nation would have to be destroyed.. Retrogression became the principal instrument for the US to impose its colonial puppets, with their primitive, `pre-national' loyalties, in power in a culturally purged Baghdad stripped of its most sophisticated and nationalistic social strata.

The Al-Ahram Studies Center in Cairo, maintains that more than 310 Iraqi scientists were eliminated during the first 18 months of the US occupation a figure that the Iraqi education ministry does not dispute. Another report listed the killings of more than 340 intellectuals and scientists between 2005 and 2007. Bombings of institutes of higher education had pushed enrollment down to 30% of the pre-invasion figures. In one bombing in January 2007, at Baghdad's Mustansiriya University 70 students were killed with hundreds wounded.

Assassination As Political Terrorism.

Baghdad was once known as the `Paris' of the Arab world, in terms of culture and art, science and education. In the 1970's and 80's, its universities were the envy of the Arab world. The US `shock and awe' campaign that rained down on Baghdad in 2003 evoked emotions akin to an aerial bombardment of the Louvre, the Sorbonne and the greatest libraries of Europe.

The use of assassination is an extreme form of terrorism, which has causes a ripple effect throughout the community. Statistics reveal that for every Iraqi intellectual assassinated, thousands of educated Iraqis left the country or abandoned their work for safer, less vulnerable activity. Up to and including November 2008, eighty-three academics and researchers teaching at Baghdad University had been murdered and several thousand of their colleagues, students and family members fled for their lives.

Bloody purges of academics have also occurred in all of Iraq's, including those in the provinces:

127 senior academics and scientists were assassinated at the various well-regarded universities in Mosul, Kirkuk, Basra and elsewhere. The provincial universities with the highest number of murdered senior faculty members were in cities where the US and British military and their Kurdish mercenary allies were most active: Basra (35), Mosul (35), Diyala (15) and Al-Anbar (11)

It was the Iraqi military and its allied death squads which carried out most of the killing of academics in the cities under US or `allied' control. The methodical assassination of academics was a nation-wide campaign to destroy the cultural and educational foundations of a modern Arab civilization. The death squads carrying out most of these assassinations were unleashed by American military strategists with the intended aim of wiping out any politically conscious intellectuals and nationalist scientists who might pursue an agenda for re-building a modern, secular society and independent, unified republic.

The US war and occupation of Iraq, has been declared a success by both Presidents G.W Bush and Barrack Obama. By what standards of decency and justice can an operation which has resulted in the forcible occupation of an independent nation of 23 million citizens, the installation of a puppet regime ensconced, where colonial mercenary troops in the pay of American officers terrorise the population, and the nation's oil fields have been appropriated and put up for sale be declared a success?

I'll tell you! None whatsoever. It's the devil's work for sure and I mean it literally.

Iraq's laws which protected its patrimony, its cultural treasures and national resources, have been wiped from the books. The occupiers have imposed a `constitution' favouring US Imperialist interests. Israel and its Zionist flunkies in the American administration can celebrate the demise of a modern adversary and the conversion of Iraq into a cultural-political desert. To add further insult to injury, the looted treasures of ancient Mesopotamia have `found' their way into the collections of the elite in London, New York and elsewhere.

The Iranian people should take Michael Ledeen at his word, and should be viewing events in neighbouring Iraq with not a little trepidation, while the `collectors` wait and anticipate the pillage and plunder awaiting them in Iran.

Postscript: For a peek into `our boys'` mentality during the Gulf War, the U.S. Air Force's 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron published a songbook before the bombing began, describing their plans for Iraq. The only part that can be reproduced in polite company was this little ditty:

“Phantom fliers in the sky, Persian-pukes prepare to die, Rolling in with snake and nape, Allah creates but we cremate.”

The rest of songbook is, in the words of David Stannard, a "melange of sadism and obscenity, most of them employing personifications of entire Arabic and Islamic peoples as racially inferior, maggot-infested women whose mass destruction by the Americans is equated with brutal, violent s-x... Wade Frazier.

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8] Hegelian Dialectic
Thanks to Brendan for this info: